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?? to Rob or anyone else


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Got some cichlids from Tropical Blues on Tuesday,

Fee called them Melanochromis Rainbow Cichlids

Of course ya can't find that on the puta.

Well, I couldn't anyway.

Help would be appreciated.

I would like their taxanomical (sp) name please.


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Hi Alan - I know which fish you're talking about - I've seen them in at Fee's as well. The closest match I found for them was Melanochromis joanjohnsonae.

I'm not sure of the ID. If you go digging around on the net and find pictures of males you'll probably think that I've lost it. Try and find a picture of a female though - they've got the blue stripes with red/orange inbetween. When I saw them at Fee's they were still quite small and all had the same colouration - on the assumption that they all start off looking like females I didn't think my ID was too way out - but could go out the window once you've got a dominant male showing his colouring.

Hope this helps.

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Just checked them Rob.

MMMMM might have to go along with what you said, and remember, you said it.

But I'll try to find it for you.

I've three of them, hopefully a male with two females.

I have the advantage of being able to go look at them at any time without a half hour trip


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  • 1 month later...

I found it, I found it

At least Cliff did. Thankyou Cliff.

It is Labidochromis textilis.

Mini Atlas page132 pic. A

But it has a similar colouration to B as well.

Stuffed if I know with theseAxelrod books.

Who knows??

Did a search using the textilis name and that looked a helluva lot better than anything else

Mine are starting to colour-up nicely.

Bigger tank for them me thinks

OH NO! That will prolly mean more babies


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