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Panda Garras?


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I have two of these garras too, got them about 3 or 4 months ago and couldn't find much in the way of info either!

http://forums.loaches.com/viewtopic.php ... sc&start=0

This forum had some interseting information on them and really good pictures too!

So far I know that they are great algae eaters and very boisturous (sp?)

they tend to run over plants and corys when they are playing. I had them in a planted tank but have moved them in to my turtles tank now - and they are loving it! (BTW my turtle hasn't a chance of catching them they are way too fast for him!) They are much happier. They can jump quite high though so be careful of that! They go best in a rocky river tank and I think they like a strong current - others might disagree?

As for sexing them apparently it is by the tubercules on their faces, like goldfish I beleive. Also I think you will find that the female will have a thicker abdomen - one of mine is quite short and stout the other is long and lean. They do get larger then 2 inches or 6cm - there was a huge one at Jansens Botany not so long age! Some say the red markings mean the garra is a male but I'm not so certain of that.

Good luck with yours, you will find them to be really cool fish with very playful personalities!

Mel :)

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Hey Cool! Thanks for answering

Yeah they're in a planted tank with a couple of wild betta simorums, a borneo sucker and a queen arabesque pleco at the moment. I got them from jansens botany! they were in 2 different tanks, ones about 6cm, the other about 4. I love em, they seem to be dragging themselves around all the time! They've already managed to bull dose a java fern and a whole bunch of anubiases :lol:

Thanks Mel, good to know that someone else loves em too.

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