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Green severums


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I dont actually know.

Assuming the dad has 2 Green chromosones (is that the right word?), and the female 2 gold, then should get the following combos:

GG - Gold

GrG - Green

GrGr - Green

GGr - Green

This is assuming that the Gold is a recessive gene, I haven't looked it up, but I'd expect 75% green 25% gold.

We've moved the rock in to its own tank with an airstone keeping the eggs clean. Had to move them before nightfall when the plecos are left to roam free. I got bitten a couple of times removing the eggs, they were a tad pissed off.

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Not sure on minimum size, they can start breeding a lot smaller than fully grown (~20-25cm). First time mine ever laid eggs (two females, so weren't fertile) I'd estimate they were around the 12cm mark. Sevs get huge but breed early.

I wasn't trying to breed them, they're in with 6 oscars, not a good match :lol: females were just full of roe, they didn't even wait for a water change or anything, just 'SHE'S GOING TO BLOW' and away they went. The other female is full, so I'm not going to be suprised if I find another batch of eggs soon.

Girls are a normal solid colour, boys get a strong patterning of dots to them over their face and body, and the tips of their dorsal fin etc get longer and darker. When young they all look like girls though.

I would really love a Gold Severum male, just couldn't find one that was of age.

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  • 2 weeks later...

>95% hatch rate, now eating dry fry food and microworms swimming around having a party time.

What are we going to do with all these severums :o :o :o

Oh and while we were away, Sevs laid another few hundred eggs (same dad, different mum). We've left these in the tank, and the parents are keeping the 5 oscars and 2 huge plecs at bay. If they make it to free-swimming we might save them, but damn thats a lot of severums D:

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In my opinion severum are worse than convicts!!

We had a pair of convicts that laid once for us and then never again! Can't stop our severum though!!! Every couple of weeks they are doin' it again :roll: Have finally given up trying to save and raise all the babies all the time. :o

Good luck find home for all your fry! :wink:

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