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Who ate my Bumblebee Goby????


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I recently went away for a night to my daughters wedding and the fish never got fed on time (usually regular as clockwork). When I got home the next night my bumblebee goby was nowhere to be found. The lid was down so that rules out jumping and cats. Did not find any remains but I'm convince that somebody had an early lunch!

Which of the following fish do you suppose it was?????

Honey Gouramis (x2)

Black Widows (x3)

Corydoras (x4)

Cardinals (x8 )

Harlequins (x6)

My guess is the Black Widows as they are so gutsy at feedtime. But I guess it could have been the Gouramis?

I really thought that very grumpy little face would have scared anyone off but obviously not! Poor wee man!

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At a guess I'd say the black widow tetras, I'm really not a fan of them. Seems I'm not the only one, I got given 8 of them recently for my oscar tank :wink:

I haven't kept Honey Gouramis, but my dwarf gouramis have always been cute little angels.

Of course it is also possible he got damaged/sick and the fish just ate his remains. Normally if a small fish dies in my aquariums, its almost unrecognisable by the time I see it. I had a perfectly healthy SAE in with baby kribs and platties in an established 200L tank, came in one morning and oh my god, dont know what happened but I dont have an SAE anymore and those little baby fish had done a good job at 'completing the cycle of life' :o

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Yup - thats wot I thought!

Hey while I'm here. I recently lost all my harlequins (overdosed the tank with Algae-fix) .... Doh!

Anyhow am wondering wot to replace them with. I have taken a fancy to the powder blue gourami and would love to add one. Think it would be safe to mix it with the gold honey pair (1 male and 1 female)? I guess it would be best to get a female? I've read that males don't get on too well. Shame as the males are much more colourful.


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