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Cooking Stuff...


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I've seen some misleading statements about cooking rock and sand (I can't see how cooking sand would even work), so I thought i'd make a couple of points here:

Dunk and Swish! This is key. Rock cooking is more than just chucking some rocks in the dark for a while. You're wanting to purge the rock of nutrients as fast as possible. Part of this is remove bacterial detritus and export the waste. If you're not dunking and swishing, you're not really cooking the rock.

Timeframes, this is like asking how longs a piece of string. Rock cooking is done when it's done. It's dependent on a few variables, like how filthy the rock is, how often you dunk and swish, how clean you keep the surrounding water, etc It could take anywhere from several weeks, to several months. There's no set timeframe. When it's done it's done.

Sand cooking, i'd like to see some rational behind that, I can't see any point to it.

Cooking, done right, is a great way to completely avoid the algae cycles some people consider a normal succession in starting a new tank.


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Yes Layton I'll say you got this right.

I'll add that skimming will help, and keeping the surrounding water as phosphate free as possible, by changing it, or whatever.

Can be done in warm or cold water, but warm water will keep the bacteria humming and speed up the process.

Something else that is not often realised, rocks can be cured quite adequately in fresh water, it does not have to be salt. This could be useful to save a person needless expense on salt, or gathering NSW. Once the rocks are finished the salinity should be brought up to the desired level over a few days to give the bacteria time to adjust, so we don't kill them.

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so the dunking swishing is important Layton??, how often, twice a week to start with?, less as the crap lessons??.

Don't know if you look at the other forum (sure you do :D ) as I'm cooking the rocks from my tank now, and after a few days the water was putrid!!, changed it sat, and again today (swishing and dunking).

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so the dunking swishing is important Layton??, how often, twice a week to start with?, less as the crap lessons??.

Really depends on how fast detritus is being produced. The less of it you have sitting in the tubs, and in the pores of the rock, the faster the cooking process happens. So you basically prolong the process by not swishing and dunking to remove the detritus produced. The more you dunk and swish, the faster you'll cook the rock, and the more crap you'll purge from the rock (and the lower the nutrient equilibrium point becomes).

Don't know if you look at the other forum (sure you do :D ) as I'm cooking the rocks from my tank now, and after a few days the water was putrid!!, changed it sat, and again today (swishing and dunking).

I read heaps of different forums. Some I'll post on, others I won't.


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