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Hand feeding black ghost knife fish


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do they get agressive to each other? and can they be kept together if they are all a sim. size?

btw, there is the biggest Clown Knife fish ever in Wet Pets in Palmy, it was HuMonGus! pretty alien and scary looking :o

but I'm not too keen on getting one of those but I like oddball fish however

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I have 4 in a 4 footer , 18-20 cm. I have noticed 1 gets picked on everynow & then, just has the odd mark on its fins. Plenty of logs,tubes in the tank. I have seen some set up with just pairs, mixture of sizes & a few of the same size, so I suppose it just depends on the fish; Trail & error. :roll:

Frenchy :D

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i can hand feed mine sometimes - its hard getting to the bottom of the tank where he likes to hang out but he is very active.

if you are ever around at about 4am light a candle and watch - i have had two in my time and they both come out about then and do acrobatics and swim in even more ways you would not imagine.

as far as them eating things go:

my current black ghost (named 'Cochlean' which is latin for 'spoon') tryed to eat my red-spot plec, then gave up after causing serious damage and now only nibbles on the silicon seals - i think its a bit like cats sharpening their claws.

the previous on got himself eaten by a gang of angry gourami! i didn't see it happen but after morning feeding he was fine and that evening he was a skeleton. the only other fish were gourami and a couple of tiny port-hoplos (and they are too cute to point the blame at :P).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been hand feeding my black ghost at night for about 2 years. He/she is only about 20cm long at the moment, the yellow stripe on teh head is looking in good colour. There's no way I'd call them a peaceful fish, I've observed him/her at night chasing other fish.

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