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Lighting Question


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Hi there, just looking for some advice regarding lighting in my tank. I have a newly established 4 ft Juwel Rio 300L Tank. Tank was originally a marine tank and I have converted it over to a tropical tank. Last weekend I laid down some aquatic daltons mix and gravel, transferred a piece of driftwood from a previous tank and planted it. It has been running for around 4 days and i have just added 2 small bristlenoses and 3 sterbai corydora.

So my question is what fluorescent lighting would be best for the plants and fish. At the moment the tank still has the marine blue and marine white tubes in it giving the tank a blueish tinge. Is it required that I change this lighting for a tropical tank or is this ok? If i change the lighting what should i change to? I'd like to avoid the yellowish colour some tubes put out as i prefer a whitish colour.

Any advice appreciated :)

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Marine blue and marine white should work for now I think, but someone else may have a different opinion.

If I were to change the bulbs, I would keep the marine white and change the marine blue to a "Power-Glo 18,000K" tube which has served me well for planted tanks and they are a bit purple-ish white, so you wont get that yellowish lighting that youre talking about. Hope this helps :wink:

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