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Anybody had this java fern problem?


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I have had Java ferns in the past where the cells on the leaves start turning brown and rot spreading throughout the leaf. This seems to be able to spread to leaves touching each other. A few years ago I had a whole 6 foot tank wiped out when I purchased a few ferns from a pet store.

It is definitely not the standard dark patches that can form on java leaves.

It spreads very rapidly!

I have recently got back into fishkeeping and a friend has still got some java fern with similar looking symptoms (we bought the ferns from the same pet store years ago), I would like to propogate some ferns for my new tank but not if it means getting this problem into my tank like in the past.

Wondering if anyone knows the cause, has experienced it or knows how to get rid of it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read in one of Amano Takashis' publications that this is a disease/genetic defect unique to javaferns that commonly comes on around summer with the warmer water and will spread from leaf to leaf via contact.

The solution: cut out the diseased pieces to stop it from spreading.

i'll try and track down the article and see if there was anything else mentioned.

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