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disease in our tank?


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How did you get on with your metro dosing? I've started a thread asking about which of three dosing protocols is the correct one to use. What did you do?

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/metron ... 19201.html


Hi, This was quite a stressful experience, we lost 3 neons(that were healthy) and one dwarf gourami (that was sickly) I had a lot of different opinions about Metro, i used 250mg per 40litres leave in for 3 days then add carbon and do a 30% water change., and apart from those losses(which were more to do with the stress of moving them to another tank to treat) the 2 bristlenoses and the Male dwarf gourami are doing great, the male gourami had all the signs (extreme nervousness, white mucous,not eating) and is now alot less timid! the female bristlenoses tummy is now normal and they cant of been feeling well for a while as they have suddenly cleaned up the tank for me!! and are alot more active.

I hope this is the end of this drama. The only thing that concerned me was the fish seemed to have trouble breathing, and were quite stressed.

So maybe retreating and water changes might be better, i dont know i am far from experienced with this disease, but after treatment and a large water change the fish all came right.

Hope this helps.thanks

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