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diy liquid fertalizer


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hey guys nad gals.

Im sick o paying 20 bucks for fertalizer from the lfs and my plants not likng it so waswondeing if anyone can help me with a diy liquid fertalizer and how ofen i should add.

i have a220l tank with co2 injecton with undergravel fertalizer which is daltons aquatic mix and im running four 55w pl-l series lights so thats 1wat per litre.

plants are as follow: crypts, narrow leaf frilled and normal java ferns, glosso, riccia growing submerged, anubias, dwarf sag, pygmy chain, another type of sword, ambulia, polysperma, water wisteria

any suggestions are highly appreciated

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your set up is pretty good.

i am not sure if $20 is worth the saving. there are a lot of work involve and more stuff to buy.

you will need to buy a few tester to begin with.

tester for phosphate, sulphate, iron, etc

next you will need to buy the basic ingredients from Hydro phonic suppliers:

may be you can read more from this site:




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