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P.s Auroa


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ok so i have 5 auroa's, one of my females is looking like she may have some fin rot, so i have just set up a 2ft hospital tank just for her...

...once she is all better is it worth me puting a male in with her and trying to get them to breed? would there be a demarnd for them?

im going to have to all the rocks out of my display tank to catch her as they hide when ever any one goes near the tank...

...dose any one have any ideas on how to catch her with out having to pull all the rocks out?

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You can try and make a fish trap using coke bottles or something similair, I also leave nets in my tank for ages when im trying to catch a fish sometimes I walk out and they're swimming past and I nab them.. Also I try and put food in the net and they swim in to get it, but its probably no help if your fish hide if you come into the room..

Also regarding breeding them, I would give it a go if I was you just for fun but wouldn't expect to get much more than $5-8 a fish when you sell them because they are only zebras :)

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has any one got plans for a fish trap?

if i breed them it would be more for fun than $$$ just so more ppl can have aces to these awesome colour fish

i love the light blue on top, and the yellow bottoms they are so cute, i think i have 2females and 3males, but 1 female may just be a male trying not to been seen as a male

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