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krib fry questions


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I have my first brood of krib fry! Yay :bounce: About 15 made it.

They are now 1 month old, and still in the community tank with the parents and eleven tetras (rummy-nose and cardinals). So they are hardy!

At what age are they ok to offer to others or sell?

Their dad is now chasing mum, so maybe another brood will be on the way. Should I shift the fry to another tank? If so, should it be bare bottom or planted with sand/gravel? I don't have a sponge filter, but a spare hob. Would this be ok?

So many questions... :roll:

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Heya, congrats :)

What I used was a HOB with a sponge filter over the inlet. It's fine as long as you're sure the babies can't fit in the inlet pipe.

Mine are now in a Jebo R338 tank, with a sponge filter jammed over the intake. I left a small hole exposed by accident and I can confirm they're not smart enough to avoid it. They can handle water current, just not smart enough to avoid the fillter impeller.

These Kribensis fry seem very hardy. I haven't lost a single one to stress or anything. When moving them (3 weeks old) to the Jebo tank we just used a normal net. No losses. Only losses we had were to the filter sucking them up. They're in with gravel, algae, plants, its all good. They're strong guys.

Sorry I can't help on the 'how long' question, mine are the same age as yours. I wouldn't give/sell them just yet, I'll wait until mine are adult platy size. I fed them mosquito larvae the other day, which was good except they missed a few and to do a water change I'm going to have to let out 4 or 5 adult mosquitos :x

You're welcome to visit and come have a look-see

Food I used was that 'Fry Staple Food' Paws and Claws has it for 5 bucks. Sponge filter is ~$10 at hutt pets.

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