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Angel Breeding - two boys


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I have a female laying eggs right now, and the eggs are being fertilised by two males. The males accept each other, and are fighting off all other fish while the spawning commences.

Is this normal?

One of the daddy's is a big grey angel (called a 'Smokey' on the angelfish genetics website), and the other is a dwarfed double black (with koi in him). Mom is a pure breed white koi.

I'll keep you updated. The smokey is a fish I'm looking after for Melanie while she moves, and they're breeding on her plant, hope she doesn't mind :oops:

btw angel fish really seem to like live mosquito larvae

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It's a crack up. They're having a bit of a 3 way relationship here. The white koi is being a normal mum, and chases everyone except the two males away. The smoked grey male fans the eggs and keeps anyone from getting close. The black male defends the border too, but isn't allowed to fan the eggs. Poor confused little guy!

I'll take the eggs out tomorrow and raise them artifically. I dont trust them and daddy here will be on his way up north in a week or so anyway. I'm going to go read up on angelfish genetics again, see what possible monsters may come out of this.

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