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New Year Presents


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I have got three new additions -

Peppered Cory eggs

Kribensis fry ( free-swimming)

and in the work tank today I noticed angel fish fry!

:bounce: :bounce:

Just before work broke up last year I saw the angels lip-locking, but wasn't sure if they were a pair or males fighting.

They are in with lots of tetras (black widow, neon and glowlight) and cories.

As it is their first lot, I'm keen for them to do as much as possible. The fry are at the wriggler stage, where they are all crowded together not free swimming.

Does anyone have any advice or recommendations??? :bow::D

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I have got three new additions -

Peppered Cory eggs

Kribensis fry ( free-swimming)

and in the work tank today I noticed angel fish fry!

:bounce: :bounce:

Just before work broke up last year I saw the angels lip-locking, but wasn't sure if they were a pair or males fighting.

They are in with lots of tetras (black widow, neon and glowlight) and cories.

As it is their first lot, I'm keen for them to do as much as possible. The fry are at the wriggler stage, where they are all crowded together not free swimming.

Does anyone have any advice or recommendations??? :bow::D

nothing more rewarding than letting the parents take care of there fry and them doing a good job , if they do get eaten you can always take away the next lot but worth a try to leave them , i did and its amazing to see :)

good luck and well done ! :bow:

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