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Discus eggs


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Ok i have this pair of discus and they always lay and always take good care of their eggs and fry but i always have a problem with the eggs turning white. I only ever get around 10-25 fry which i know isn't bad but it just seems a waste of so many more possible fry.

The eggs always seem to be fertile having the nice dark glow to them. First day a few eggs may fungus/turn white then the second day most of them crap out.

They have a pretty good diet,80% water changes everyday with rain water so dont check the water for ph etc? temp bout 29

Any thoughts, cheers guys

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Hey ilah. There's a few things you can do:

1) Increase the temp (e.g 30-31 degrees celsius) so the eggs will hatch faster

2) Add formalin to the water to help prevent fungus

3) Scrub the tank sides and bottom well to remove slime and waste

4) Keep up the daily water changes (making sure you don't expose the eggs) to keep the water fresh. Do this until you have a nice bunch of wrigglers.

Let us know how you get on

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Ok cheers for that Luke. I tried meth blue last time and though it was goin to work but nope, today most of the eggs went white so they ate the lot, should lay again in a few days so i will up the temp. Can you get formalin from pet shops? I have never used it before.

Thanks again dude

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How old is your pair, especially the male? It might be too young and inexperience.

Using mainly rain water may be the cause of it. (no mineral and might be polluted)

How big is the tank they're in?

What type of filteration are you using?

Are they in a tank of their own?


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everything i have read from large scale breeders say they try to avoid doing a w/c when their fish have eggs but do one asap after they get wrigglers. the smallest change in params can nail the eggs apparently (this is why i do my w/c's when they have eggs cause i dont want babies).

im not sure what dosage luke is talking about for formalin but it will kill your bio filter and it can be quite harsh on the fish if its used at the medicating dosage (the 3% stuff you buy doesnt do much so would probably be safer)

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then i think ilah that your male needs some shooting lessons on how to hit the target. im sure he'll be just just like the rest of us & get better at it over time.

he probably doesnt understand her yet, hasnt connected with her true feelings & doesnt make her feel special. he wants to do his own thing so she makes it as hard as possible to please her.....

damn, did i type all that out loud?

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LOL smidey :D

ilah, if the eggs are fine one day and going bad the next it means that the parents need to take better care of them. If unfertilised you will know within an hour of laying, as some will look healthy and the others will be distinctly uncoloured. So I'm guessing it's not fertilization. My guess would be that mom or dad is preoccupied with what's going on in or near the tank. Make sure they have a nice quiet spot with little to no distractions and everything should work out fine.

80% daily water changes? Seems a bit overboard to me.

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Cheers guys,

Ron, according to the person i got them off they should be about 16 months old, the mineral content thing did cross my mind but though i should try other things first, they are only in a 60L tank at the mo until i get my other tank back, they are in a tank by themselves in a pretty quiet corner and i am just using a sponge filter in their tank.

Sharn, yeah i basically stop doin water changes until the fry go free swimming and i hate using strong meds so prob wont do that anyway. I would rather change their environment etc first.

Haha right on smidey :wink: ....few issues at home perhaps? like i said aye i think the eggs are fertilised as they turn the right colour and always start turning bad mainly on the second day, surely if they wern't fertile they would start turning bad pretty soon after they were laid

Hey blue, i will try blocking their view of the closest tank to try keep their minds on the job. Its only a small tank to so i dont mind doing the water changes, cant do them any harm can it?

thanks guys :hail:

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sounds like your pair is sort of like mine. mine will get distracted by nearly anything, if i walk near their tank they are both at the front waiting for food, never mind about all their eggs at the back :lol:

best of luck with spawning them, hopefully they catch on about what they are supposed to do soon :)

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Cool thanks guys. Temp is up to about 30, 31 now and have added another airstone not too far from where they lay and have blocked their view of the neighbouring tank so hopefully next time they will do a lot better. I will let ya know what happens...

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Ok guys, don't know what it is i have done (or maybe not done?) but it worked. I came home today to find out 70 wrigglers on the cone with mum and dad gaurding pretty intensely. Haha awsome, this is tripple what they normally get to they wriggler stage!

Temp is around 29-30. I havent touched the water since they laid a few days ago so it has gone green. Trying to do small water changes often to get rid of it but not sure if it will work...any ideas people? Its damn annoying as i cant see the fry haha

Like I said I'm not sure if what i changed worked or whether the pair just got it right this time but thanks to everyone for their ideas and input as somethings gone right finally. Cheers again,

Shane :D

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Ah, I have a pair that does the same thing. They only spawn successfully in green water, and eat the eggs and wrigglers pretty quickly when the water is clear. I blame it on nerves.

Best way to fix green water is one of those $79 internal UV jobbies that just about every pet shop carries these days. Pop it in your tank, use it for a couple days til the water clears, then put it away. Bulbs last 6 months of continuous use, so if you do this right you can stretch that over a couple of years.

best of luck with the new batch, mate!

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