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Elephant ear mushroom


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Just took these pics of my elephant ear mushroom. Have seen it doing all sorts of weird things in the past (turning into an inside out ball and an outside in ball and everything in between) but have never seen it take up this much water before. Its pretty bizarre :o It is about the size of a dinner plate across so gives an idea of size.

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You got too many fish in your tank Rocketman? :D Need to get rid of a few? This mushroom has eaten at least one of my fish - I watched it spit the skeleton out :o Theres also been a couple of firefish that vanished completely without a trace. The sh'room is the prime suspect.

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Yeah that's what it normally does - sort of wraps the edges round to create exactly what you are saying - like a ball with a hole in the middle. My damsel is quite keen on swimming in there and mucking about (so was my anthias until it got eaten! :o )

This time it was different. It had taken up so much water it is fully extended in all directions. It hasn't balled up this time just been on the piss and bloated :-? No hole to swim into (except I guess the mouth).

Back to normal this morning. Accounted for all my fish except 1 of the chromis and my dottyback. The dottyback hardly ever goes around that side of the tank and is pretty shy so unlikely to have been gobbled. It was early and the light hadn't come on yet so they were probably still sleeping - I hope :o

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