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Apistogramma pandurini


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Thanks HandS

Like, you are suggesting I put my hand in the tank for them to spawn on? :roll:

It's a great concept; and one that truely needs accolades for brilliance as I could remove my hand as soon as they had finished spawning. :wink:

It was only about five minutes from the time I got home and saw them to the time I removed the flower pot, so they were damned determined to eat them. :evil:

There are three eggs hatched and looking good this morning. :hail:

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Do you have dithers in your tank?????? that would give them a constant threat, and they wouldn't be so surprised when you walk in. All my breeding tanks are divide with glass, and sealed, so the dithers are the pair in the next tank. The panduro spend ALOT of time squabbling with the fish next door. You can try a one or 2 pencil fish, but then there is risk of fry straying and getting eaten. Last time i used dithers in the same tank, was with a pair of blue rams over a year ago, and i used 2 young swordtails as dithers. It worked great, the rams had free swimmers, until i gave them a treat of white worms, while the rams where having the WW, the swords helped them selfs to a treat of baby rams :oops:

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Hi HandS

My Breeding Tanks that I use for Dwarf's are all divided tanks with fish in the other section..

The spawners never seem to worry when I approach their tanks it's just that "MOST DWARF'S" are naturally egg eaters for a start and settle down to rearing their young after their third or fourth spawning.

That is as I have found, and it may not neccesarilly be the "norm". :roll:

However, I'll carry on trying, cause that's what

the hobby is all about. :lol:


Piccy of my Breeding A. pandurini. :lol:

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Hi All,

Just a bit of an update;

I have three A. pandurini fry, taking BBS and doing well. :wink:

I also have about 40 fry of A. cacatoides. They spawned last Wednesday (3rd Jan) while I was in CHCH at the hospital. My partner noticed the pair behaving (as she put it) in a peculiar manner, not like they normally are. She noticed the eggs at the end of a flowerpot so she removed the flower pot to another tank. 8) "Good Girl".

Then I get home and the Blushing Angels were "AT IT"

35 Tanks and "NO ROOM AT THE INN".

MTS, I need another 10 tanks.

http://s53.photobucket.com/albums/g71/amazonianfish/th_NOROOMattheInn.jpg %7Boption%7D

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