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WWF Pleco style


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Ive just added my 12in common plec in with a 8in and theyre at it, ( in a 1000l with rocks) Im hoping they dont knock any rocks off into the glass and smash the tank :evil: do they find a pecking order or do I need to seperate,not to worried about the plecs -battle scares are cool,but the other fish might get in the way, ???????????????

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commons are notorious for being territorial sadly. im not sure if they stick to their own species to pick on but i wouldnt assume so going by some of the other plecs ive read about.

when i had two in my tank the bigger one would harass the smaller one every time he saw it, he even went looking for it sometimes even though i had plenty of hiding spots. the smaller one became very shy and it wasnt until the bigger one died that he became more active.

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