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Running KH, CA high?


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It can be done, but you will be putting a lot in and your pumps will need cleaning a lot.

Try alk 12, ca 450, mg 1350, you will get same or better growth, and less precipitation. pH would be better a bit lower too.

Personally I wouldn't favour this, but if you want to go this way, that's what I would do.

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No. It is needed to slow it down but will not stop it altogether. The levels in your first post are really pushing the boundaries you would have a lot of precipitation.

You could try it if you wish the corals will survive it, I have had levels even higher than that just to try it out. But it will be better with ca and mg and pH a bit lower, both for precipitation, and for the corals. You can go with an alk of 12 with no negative effects though, other than the influence on precipitation.

BTW my own alk is often only around 6, Reef was over one day & nearly flipped when he saw it when we did some testing, I thought it was fairly normal.

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A bit hard to say accurately about growth because I only use an eyeometer, that's as scientific as I get. But i THINK i got no advantage by having ca anything over 440. Higher alk though has an obvious increase in growth, from my own rather unscientific testing I would say the higher you go, up to 12, the more growth. Don't bother going more than 12 though you'll start getting other problems.

BTW I assume we are talking about SPS.

Also, everything else has to be OK obviously or there won't be any growth regardless. And the other thing you get from these high alk levels is awesome coraline. If you run high alk, plus does a LOT of strontium, you will get an awesome purple colour in the coraline.

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Let's know how it goes TM, I am always interested in these boundary pushing experiments, done some good, and some harm, by my own constant urge to try new things.

If you hike up to these levels, in about 2 weeks you should see obviously a lot of new tips forming etc. and you know it's working. Report back, I'll be interested.

Just bear in mind you'll spend a lot more time cleaning pumps.

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My tank has always had just below normal levels (always adding just enough to keep it up acording to the calculator kH 9 Ca 390). I had alright growth for a newish tank.

But lately with uni and work I didn't have time to do the tests, so justed added a decent amount every few days. Then I noticed alot of new tips and more growth than I had seen over two months. My params now are kH 12/13 Ca 500ish. Dont think it is just coincidence, maybe my levels were just too low before. Really happy with the results planning to let it drop down to maybe kH 10/11 Ca 450 then keep it constant and see what happens.

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I have been running mine high for the last couple of months and I would say only average growth so am dropping back to what wasp suggested to see how that goes.

That is? kh12 ca 400????

What are the par at the moment Fay?

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I have been running calcium at 500 dropping to 450

mag 1500 dropping to 1400ish

kh 12 dropping 9.7 add 14 tsps b/soda every second day

One thing I did try was heavy feeding of corals at night have stopped know feeding altogether working on the nitrates.

question: if I have high nitrates should I feed the corals at night?

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I have been running calcium at 500 dropping to 450

mag 1500 dropping to 1400ish

kh 12 dropping 9.7 add 14 tsps b/soda every second day

One thing I did try was heavy feeding of corals at night have stopped know feeding altogether working on the nitrates.

question: if I have high nitrates should I feed the corals at night?

How high are they, mine were really high and i reduced feeding, well it was more making sure everything was eaten. Now they have come down a bit and i am increasing it again.

I am feeding the corals a milkshake of seafood every second night. mussel, shrimp, pipi, clam etc + AA

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So I could answer without getting my head ripped off?

Well MHO is that Layton was correct, long as export can cope with import, no worries. And the people who said it can take a while for a tank to adapt to higher feeding were also correct.

Trouble is knowing what that point is, I guess your test kit and observation will tell you after it happens, it will obviously vary for each tank.

However with a nitrate reading of 30 I would say even more feeding will only add to the situation, as the tank is already not coping.

My 2 cents, now I better run away & hide!!! :lol:

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All those can be broken down as part of the nitrogen cycle, so yes they could add to it.

They may only need to be fed in tiny doses though so wouldn't have a big impact.

But I don't know a heckuva lot about this scientific stuff, where's Feelers?

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Where is Layton, I tried saying his name 3 times in the mirror but he didnt show. :lol:

He's definitly very well up to date with the science of SPS. My philosophy is much the same is his, I would want to feed heaps, then extract what remains quickly. A problem with nitrates is showing you are putting too much in(or not taking enough out better be careful here!), so I would be careful about adding things. Then again if you try it out and it works for you; keep doing it.

Now that's a politicians answer.

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