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My observations - white spot, UV, skimmer


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Ok, just a few observations I have made recently with my tank.

2 months ago I picked up a nice Powder Blue Tang (thanks ghostface) and threw it in with my other three Tangs (blue, yellow and Scopus). As I expected they proceeded to stress each other out and there was a minor whitespot outbreak. Only the Tangs got it, all the other fish were fine (Bi-colour Blenny, Blue Line Clarki Clown, Flame Angel, 2 x Chromis).

We are getting major house renovations done and the electrician is a real numb nuts. I have told him countless times - if you turn the power off, check the tank RCD's when you turn it back on. I don't think he has remembered once so my tanks are averaging 1 power cut a week, anywhere from 1 hour to 12 hours. - This will not be helping the situation!!!

I did nothing to treat the whitespot and it stayed the same. Went to Australia for ten days, came back, whitespot still the same.

Doubled the amount I was feeding the fish, I figured this would help keep the Tangs busy (1/2 sheet of Nori a day) and ensure the Powder Bue got enough food as it was shy at feeding time.

Whitespot reduced on all the other Tangs and increased on the Powder Blue (all over body and fins, loss of colour in the body, fins turned white).

Added two big Cleaner Shrimps (already had 2 Fire Shrimps), figured they may help.

Whitespot came back on other Tangs.

Added a 36w UV with a pump pushing 3600 l/h through it. This has had a MAJOR impact on the tank. First the skimmer output went through the roof. At least 3-4 times the normal output (Aqua Medic 1000 with AquaBee needle wheel). The output was much more liquid than usual.

The UV has been on for two weeks now. Whitespot is clear on all the other Tangs (has been for the last week), the Powder Blue has returned to its usual colour and the fins are clear, whitspot is only on the body, condition is improved.

Skimmer output is still through the roof but it is now as thick as it used to be pre UV. The foam is very dry and it keeps popping the lid of the skimmer. I did not think the UV would have this much impact.

All the Tangs are feeding well so hopefully they are on the way back to full health.

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Skimmer output is still through the roof but it is now as thick as it used to be pre UV. The foam is very dry and it keeps popping the lid of the skimmer. I did not think the UV would have this much impact.

Good isn't it. :D Have you seen what effect it has on P and N yet?

I won't run a tank again without UV. I never liked using carbon, UV does a much better job, plus it doesn't put more phosphate into the tank like carbon does.


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