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Cichlids Wanted


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Setting up a new 430 litre tank.

I'm looking for the following species shipped to Queenstown. I will consider travelling to collect fish but it would need to be for more than one or 2 (south island only).

I am after the following species: (axelrod mini atlas page numbers after the name)

Lamprologus tretocephalus Pg 177

Lamprologus leleupi Pg 176

Tropheus Dubosi Pg 163

Lamprologus calvus Pg 174

Julidochromis marlieri Pg 152

Chalinochromis brichardi Pg 154 (blue or orange)

Hemichromis christatus Pg 197

If anyone knows of these species being particularly savage (I intend to keep with Haplochromis, Synodontis, Geophagus, Gold Saum, Pseudotropheus) please let me know.

I am aware the afore mentioned are not all Africans but they live together at a Ph of 8.2 happily (for years).

I intend to raise my stocklevel to around 20 fish depending on species. The filtration system etc... is fairly comprehensive.

I am also looking for low maintenance plant capeable of surviving such water conditions (It can be kept with cichlids if potted correctly).

If you need contact me privately ([email protected]). I can assist with packing meathods for shipping.

Most of the fish I am looking for are it seems are hard to locate in current stock.

My current fish are 5 or 6 inches in length.

I will be likely attempting bristlenose in this tank as a friend has had them with cichlids before for algae control.

Tank fill day 21 October. I would like to time fish to arrive or be collected the same day (this will help reduce mobbings).

Feel free to repost parts of this message if you think it will help.

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