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help my blue rams are laying


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i was just changing the water in my community tank and noticed that my blue rams are busy laying! very exciting this is my first time! what should i do? they've laid on a piece of driftwood i can't really move too well + they're in with:

3 x dwarf gouramies

3 x small clown loaches

5 neon tetras

4 glass catfish

and a couple of baby bristlenoses

i don't know if the eggs will survive the night with all thse fishies around! help what should i do???

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Just leave them.. If they are good parents they will defend their eggs/wigglers/fry, but I'm guessing this is their first spawn judging from your reaction to them laying, so they most likely will eat the eggs. This will give them good practice, until you get another tank for them (that is if you want to of course :wink: ). Good luck with them.

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SWEET!! Way to go Lorraine!! Congrats!! Just keep em in the tank, they'll be great parents, watch em after 10 days tho, might pay to seperate them if the parents look like they're eating em (swallowing em, and NOT spitting them out). Good luck. I'm just about to let my babies go to new homes, they're about a good size now. Lemme know how it goes!

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  • 1 month later...

hurray my blue rams have laid again!

after the fiasco with the first spawn where the clown loaches ate up all the eggs on the first night, the rams have finally laid again! they're now in a new bigger tank with:

2 x borneo suckers

1 x femal dwarf gourami

2 x baby discus

Had 4 x adult tiger barbs with them too but they got shift out pretty quick after i discovered the eggs... wasn't going to take any chances after the first disaster!

here's the photo of the eggs + the proud dad on the top right corner - can't figure out how to load up the picture straight onto the forum so i'm afraid the best i can do is a link!

:bounce: :bounce:

http://tkfiles.storage.msn.com/x1pjdOtV ... 8tL4k9f8RM

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perhaps leave them in a community tank the first few times to get their parenting skills up (i remember when mine laid they were really lax and didnt pay the eggs much attention) and then move them, that way they will be experienced at caring for them so you should have less casulties :)

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ooooo they laid again :o:o

bigger batch of eggs this time

still can't see much tho... she laid on top of a very big sword leaf in front of the heater

this is too much excitement for me! i hate getting all my hopes up and then having the eggs eaten the day they're suppose to hatch :evil: :evil:

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wow i think they've hatched :o:o

at least i think so

the eggs are mostly gone now from the leaf and the daddy blue ram is hovering over the driftwood really protectively. there is this little nook on the wood absolutely covered with hairy green algae (which i'm trying to get rid of!!) and its filled with little grey dots - are those the babies? they look like tiny fish poos :oops: :oops:

what do i do now?

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wow i think they've hatched :o:o

at least i think so

the eggs are mostly gone now from the leaf and the daddy blue ram is hovering over the driftwood really protectively. there is this little nook on the wood absolutely covered with hairy green algae (which i'm trying to get rid of!!) and its filled with little grey dots - are those the babies? they look like tiny fish poos :oops: :oops:

what do i do now?

Hi Lorraine,

Well done on your babies making it to the hatching stage. My angels ate all their eggs the first time, then the next three times they made it to hatching. I love watching the tiny babies wriggling. All three times the babies have been eaten by the parents - day 2, day 4, and day 3. I am still trying to learn how to look after the babies, but as it is only 13 days between successive layings (new batch again yesterday), I have got past the point of getting upset when they are eaten. I will have a suitable tank set up soon!!

All the best with your babies!!


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