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New Tank!


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Im looking at setting up a new tropical tank.

Have a few questions:

1. I want to have 6 or so neon tetras, some guppies and possible a betta. Are all these fish going to get along?

2. What size tank would i need to fit the fish in.

3 and finally what the chance some of these fish will breed?


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1. you may have problems if you have a male betta with guppys, esppecially if they have decent sized tails.

2. probably need a tank 600x300x300 with a filter and heater.

3. the guppys will bred like made if you give them the right conditions, bettas are much more complex and you would want to do alot of reading before giving this a go. (don't have a single female witha male) and neons are very hard to breed, not as hard as some fish but don't hold your breath. I've tried breed all three of these fish, lots of success with guppys, some with betta and non with neons.

This is just from what i know, and from my experiances, other options my differ.

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Hiya what Bluetom said. Ive found that female Bettas are fine with guppies. But what I dissargee with is the

"the guppys will bred like made if you give them the right conditions"

The'll breed in anything and anywhere no matter how much you dont want them to!! :lol:

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You could get some bristlenose catfish. lovly things. And you can make your money back prety fast if they decide to breed. Female bettas your right do have smaller fins. But some of them pump out some great colours. I used to have one with albino guppies. And she used to jump out of the open tank lid and eat white worms from my fingers. Cute little things too! :D

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