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JEBO 503 Bio Filter, plugged into sponge filter?


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Is it possible to plug the output plastic hose of a standard air driven sponge filter into the intake of the hang on back jebo bio filter? If you took out that piece of bended plastic that is slotted in the top that is.. So that its vertical.. Saw some other brands of HOB's advertising this and was just wondering if I could do this with a jebo that I havnt got yet, (which is why I havnt tried it out).

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I did that exact thing, was real handy.

I've got a Jebo 502, and used a BioClear air powered sponge filter, just slides right on there. Before somebody else says it, I'll say:

"Fresher water is much better for young fish than well filtered". Overfeed and lots of water changes.

Although I was lazy, and the Jebo/Sponge filter combo worked a treat :)

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Awesome thanks. Nah it was more of a laziness to do with cleaning the HOB filter. I figured if I could get the sponge filter to fit on it it would end up being the dirty part and I would only need to take the sponges off to rinse rather than all the media inside. (Still laziness though I spose lol.)

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