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Help-what's happening?


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Ok, I'm a novice at these things! I have 2 Pearl Gouramis, that parts easy!! One's tummy has turned a sort of orange, he's(?????) disappeared into the floating log thing that we have and(now I may be wrong) and he seems to be blowing bubbles. Does this mean they're doing the wild thing? And if so, what do I do now? I do have a spare tank available but it's only small, 40cm/25/20. Help please!!

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Yup they are bubble nest breeders, he will make the bubble nest and then she will come along and lay her eggs in there.

If you want to babies to survive then you will have to seperate them but others on this site will be able to give more detail :lol: :lol:

Good luck with the babies :wink::wink:

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