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Betta problem


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Hi Guys

I recently brought a betta a week and a half ago. At first he was showing off his fins and acting really normal but about a week after buying him i noticed his fins were 'rolled up'

I have carried out two 20% water changes for the last three days to try pull the ph back which is comming close to six due to the tannin from my driftwood.

The only other things i have done different was remove the tetras and feed him bloodworm.

He is now in a 100l with 4 corys and a khuli

He is still feeding but i want to get the nice fins back

Any help is appreciated

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how strong is your filter? these guys fins are very delicate and maybe because he is trying to swim in a strong current is stressing him out lowering his immune and in turn blowing his fins .also is there anything sharp in the tank he could of got riped on?(fake plants, sharp wood ect)

it is good he is still eatind,is he still swiming about?

also how long has the tank been set up for as amonia could have damaged his fins.. try adding some melafix to the tank to see if this makes a diffrence.

dont worry about the p.h changing. if u are trying to rase it with ph up or something like that it will be doing more harm then good as it does not stablise the water and my betta is fine in water with a ph of 6.

anyway u can get a pic up?

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I dont have a digital camera so i cant get a pic sorry

the tank has been goinfg five weeks now and 70l of the 100 were aready matured from my old tank. i also ran my small internal in there to help with the maturation. The new fluval should be almost mature now - im guessing.

I had been trying to lower the ph with water changes

I will slow the flow which is not very fast but will see if this helps

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