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My future 'dreams' (fishkeeping)


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I only have small dreams - I want a big wide staircase that has 3 steps followed by a landing all the way up.

Each landing would have a fish tank in the wall and the water would cascade from one to the other.

It would then leave the house, enter a small creek, wander around my spectacular garden to a fountain, back to the creek, down a waterfall, then into the house to be pumped back up to the top tank.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dark and I planned it all out recently



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  • 4 months later...

I always like the idea of a 25 foot tank. Doesn't have to be very high (deep) or wide (front to back) but if you sump it you can have some huge pumps at one end and intakes at the other making it very river like. There is a tank out there like this took the guy 2 years of planning and he built it himself. I'll see if i can find it. One interesting thing is he made the mistake of putting platties in it and now he just can't get them all out.

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Actually, yeah. A few months back I was dreaming of having a new house with a nice big discus tank in the lounge. Santa was kind and it's all come true. The tank is a 500L (4ftx2ftx2ft) stocked with some 20 discus of varying strains and colourations. Some of my larger ones have paired off and will soon be having breeding tanks set up for them and eventually I hope for some little baby discus running around the house as well :)

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hah, just 'oscarate' the tank =p


1:A big fat nean pond (with diving board) no BOMBS alowd

2: this is serious by the way =p. a 6-8 footer, 3-4 deep and 4-5 high.

filled with a few greenbone aka butter fish. there new zealand natives =D

itll have a huge forest of kelp and large pumps that sway the water in the tank, like the underwater currents around rocks... *drools*


*falls asleep*


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