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Chocolate Fantail floating on bottom of tank


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I am relatively new to goldfish and have already had some help from this forum with regards to setting up my tank. I was away last weekend and when I came home my beautiful chocolate fantail was bobbing around near the bottom of may tank between a plant decoration and the side of the tank. Five other goldfish all fine.

I have taken him out and put him in a separate bowl of his own. This was sunday night. It is now Wednesday morning and he is still lying on his side at the bottom of the bowl, but still alive. Every now and then he starts flapping furiously, but this gets him nowhere. I have put a peeled pea in with him, but he hasn't eaten it.

Yesterday he has developed white fluffy stuff on his body (nearer the head end of his back). I feel awful looking at him, and don't know whether to euthenaise him, or if there is some possible remedy. He has been fighting for days now, but just doesn't seem to be getting better, or closer to dying for that matter. Any advice would be much appreciated.



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how long has the tank been set up? while hes in his hospital bowl he will need frequent water changes, if not to remove toxins like ammonia etc to keep the water clean, fish always heal better in cleaner water.

the furry stuff sounds like fungus, there a quite a few meds out there for that but you will want to make sure it is fungus before you treat (doing a google search will show you some pics).

as for why hes on the bottom im not sure sorry, i hope someone can help you more

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how long has the tank been set up? while hes in his hospital bowl he will need frequent water changes, if not to remove toxins like ammonia etc to keep the water clean, fish always heal better in cleaner water.

the furry stuff sounds like fungus, there a quite a few meds out there for that but you will want to make sure it is fungus before you treat (doing a google search will show you some pics).

as for why hes on the bottom im not sure sorry, i hope someone can help you more

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Thanks for you replies. My tank has been set up for a couple of months now, and I am doing the regular water changes etc as advised. My other 5 fish are all fine and swimming around without a care in the world.

I have been to my fish shop last night and brought a tonic which will fix the fungus. He has advised to keep doing regular water changes every day and hopefully this will bring him right. He is still alive today, so I am hoping if I perserveer he might make a miraculous recovery.



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