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Everything posted by Varina

  1. I have only 3 male guppies left, I will do the tank change tonight I only hope it is not too late, I do have a problem with getting the fish back to the store tho until the weekend........... What size do the sharks grow to and is it only a falacy that the fish will only grow to the size of the tank they are in... I bought the whole set up from Takapuna
  2. I got home to find my guppie had passed on How often do I have to do the water changes and is it 20% of the water each time?............. I have a test kit for the PH I will go and get the other this week
  3. Was unaware that you carn't put to many fish in at once, the pet shop did not tell me and I bought the wholeset up from them. I put in stress and something else for the water as told to by the shop on last thursday and put in the fish on Saturday......... am i going to loose all of them
  4. The tank is 137 litrs with a futon (i think thats the name) filter system in the tank there is 6 x neon - 2 x clown loaches - 4 x gourami - 2 x zebra - 1 x red fin shark - 4 x guppies (incl the tailess one) 3 x tetra and 1 cat fish not sure of name not a pretty fish is is black and white and stick to the side of the tank:)
  5. I started my community tank last week and found this site this week bugger :-? now have relised my gravel should be of a dark colour not the light grey that i have I also want to plant alot of plants do I need to have somethin under the gravel for the roots to grow into............ Which leads to the next question how do I go about changing all this without killing my fish through shock
  6. this morning one of my tetra's was chasing the other guppie, but he did not catch him, my little guppie lost his tail while I was at work yesterday he was fine in the morning..........
  7. Hi I am a novice and have just got my first community tropical tank set up and it seems I have a very unfriendly fish in my bunch my smallest guppie has had its tail eaten off, I don't have another tank to separate him will he survive (its been 24 hours) and can I help him he is hiding among the plants at the bottom of the tank........
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