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Posts posted by Roy

  1. Thank Caryl and Snowman for your answers.

    Snowman, is there any official publish or they have only this kind of sayings? If it is true, somebody can easilly import some good quality parent Goldfish and make breeding and spawning in the quarantine then to sell the good qualtiy fries in the next year!

    And what is AFA? Maurice is a name of a gentleman?:roll:

  2. I am supprised that the goldfish are sooooo expensive in NZ. The pictures of NZ Goldfish shown on the webs are of very very common fishes. In China, these fish are called wild Goldfsih given in the big open ponds sized 0.1-0.2ha. But almost all the good quality Goldfish are from the cement shallow tanks or wooden basins or ceramic basins.

    I checked the list of approved species of ornamental fish import into New Zealand, and find that the Goldfish is not in it.

    Sorry for my ignorance but I am curious that there has been no introduction of Goldfish into NZ since 1993?

    In this case, the Goldfish available now in NZ are only the offspring of the imported ones at least 12 years before? :roll:

  3. Proper Veiltails are scarcer than hen's teeth to get.

    Since the breeders have stopped importing, the bred has rapidly deteriorated.

    Alan 104

    Why they stopped importing? Forbidden? No profit?

    What are the regulations for importing of ornamental fish? :roll:

  4. Roy said

    Not quite correct there.

    Snails lay eggs.

    Well the ones I have do, and Ramshorn come in that catorgory.

    Alan 104

    Sorry that I know nothing exactly about the Ramshorns. However, as for the common popular species in China, Cipangopaludina sinensis, it always have small babies in its tail tip. So, if you introduce any by accident into your tank, and you do not like them and killed them by breaking them, you may receive a booming of them in the tank.

    I agree that the excrete wastes from the sanils are not so difficult to be catabolised than those from the fish, to some extent. However, if too many???

    Anyway, I hope the Ramshorns are good kids in your tank. :lol:

  5. OH, we have so many kinds of fishes in China.

    Also some tropical fish are local breeding. Guppies, Gouramies, Angel fishes, Neon Tetra, Barbs, we have even Oscars! Are there any oscars in NZ?

    In Beijing, you can find some big Aquarium shops and more popular are the aquarium booths in the flower markets. They have many electronic controled tanks full of water plants or coral reefs with nemo.

  6. Sorry but I can not agree to the idea to introduce the snails. Because they will always breeding too many babies and they may eat leaves of the water plants like mad making you headache how to remove these snails out of tanks at all. If you hope so, please simply nip them slightly out of the tank but DO NOT BREAK UP the shells! The small snails are just inside the tail part of the snail. The breaking will help them to be released into the water.

    No simple solution. To nip the leaves full of algae can be what you can do as well as to control the light (both strength and spectrum) to see the effect.

  7. Thank you, Pegasus!

    Sorry for my poor English. It really need me much time to read the posts! Also, to write in English make me headache. I was trying to find if I can type any Chinese here! :wink:

    I have experience only with freshwater fishes. I would like to know firstly how big is the market of freshwater fish here in NZ.

  8. I am a Chinese, in the mainland of China. I have experience on goldfish and tropical fish trading. So happy to find so many ornamental fish lovers here. :lol:

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