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Everything posted by marie-na

  1. marie-na


    he has a reef/marine tank. warm water he was naughty and spyed on my thingy.
  2. marie-na


    i'm new to this, but...i'm looking for a clam for my hubbies birthday. Does anyone have any contacts, or know where i can get one from.
  3. Thanks Mr. President! I like to chat, but i'll have to fight my hubby (Brianemone) for the computer. I'm confused...I don't own any gummies(is that gumboots?). If you know where i can get pink ones let me know.
  4. My husband is constantly on line looking at stuff so i thought i'd see what the fuss is about and sign up too. I don't know much about fish, but i like pink ones...what are they called? Cookie extreme...Do you like moritz ice-cream? Just wondering. Thanks for the PM. Looking at that second job. But that might encourage my husband to get more fish tanks. Atleast now i can keep an eye on him, and how much he's spending.
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