Hey there! Got a bristlenose male doing what I believe is fanning eggs (saw him at the entrance of this little nook in the driftwood when the female was in there earlier) and I'm pretty sure it would be ideal to have a seperate tank for fry to move into, and potentially so I could separate them for a little while at a time if I start getting too overloaded. I'm a little tight on space so even the tank I'm thinking of buying for this purpose (51W x 30D x 43Hcm, 52L) is a squeeze but I'm pretty sure I can fit it. Ultimately I want the best for my fish so worse case scenario I will sell the female, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. Currently I've got a 70L tank with a 61 x 36cm footprint, well-filtered and with water changes and gravel cleaning every week to week and a half (about 15% water changes) and have no issues with anything. No other tankmates in there other than a couple pond snails. So, any tips on raising the fry? Would the 52L be okay to keep the fry in until I can sell them (or to keep the adults separate if I have far too many fry at once)?
Cheers guys