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Everything posted by stank

  1. Thanks for your help everyone. I bought 4 harlequin rasbora last weekend, and so far they seem happy in their new home - especially at feeding time! I used API Quick Start, and have been monitoring the water parameters, and finally detected some nitrite yesterday so it looks like things are starting to happen.
  2. thanks a lot for the advice and the extra work of scanning and uploading those documents. the pdfs you uploaded download and open fie for me
  3. Thanks - but the link appears to be broken. When I click your link it takes me to a page that says "Something went wrong. Please try again".
  4. Hi - I have a few beginner questions that I would appreciate some guidance on. I have (finally) got the plants I ordered for my new 65L tank (picture attached) and have got things set-up and am ready to start cycling my tank. From what I have read, I need a source of pure ammonia, but all I can find locally is "cloudy" ammonia which I understand isn't recommended - what are my best options here? I want to eventually stock my tank with a small school of harlequin rasbora and a honey gourami - could I start with one or other of those as the source of ammonia, or does that risk the fish too much? Also, I bought the tank second hand with a bunch of other stuff. It included various filters - could I use the media from these to help kick start things even though it is dried out and been sitting in the garage for a few months? Lastly, the plants I bought were "lucky dip" - and have figured out what they all are except for one (picture attached) - can anyone tell what this is (sorry for picture quality)? Thanks in advance
  5. stank

    Hi from Nelson

    Thanks - I have a 65L tank. I ended up getting a great deal on Trade Me from someone who was leaving the country and needed to offload all his gear, so I have ended up with all kinds of odds and ends: pumps, filters. heaters, test kits, food, fertilizers, a number of smaller tanks etc - so I should be set-up for a while. My plan is to try a "dirted tank" and with a lot of plants in it. Once established, I'd like to look at maybe adding a small school of Harlequin Rasboras and then something like a Honey Gourami
  6. stank

    Hi from Nelson

    Hi I've long been interested in setting up an aquarium and now finally have some space. I've watched a lot on youtube and done and I spent the xmas holidays getting everything set-up, and am now already to go - just waiting on some plants!
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