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cut my mullet

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Everything posted by cut my mullet

  1. well we treated with Formulin and this seemed to reduce the spot/ fungas on the side of the Golden Ram... however now he seems to be very unwell, heavy gilling/ breathing, hides away and not eating... things aren't looking too good for the lil fulla as he used to be very active in the tank. None of the other fish seem to be affected at all... does anybody have any advice on how to give salt baths? as this seems to be our last option...
  2. Hello this is cut my mullets girlfriend. I thought I would try and explain a bit better as I don't know anyone with a digi camera. When I bought them from the shop I noticed a small red mark on the side of the ram. That disappeared and a white spot has appeared in its place. The white spot is raised, so literally just like a whitehead on a person, and now it's grown another one on top of its head. The second white spot on top of his head never had a red mark though like the last one, so maybe the red mark is not important??? I just assumed it was white spot as they look like white spots on him, so if not, what does white spot look like then? Very confusing and am getting quite worried now, really don't want him to die and I have no idea how to treat it
  3. how much gravel is good for a tank, and if i have too much will this cause problems.
  4. sorry snowman... snowpicture today, couldn't get a digi camera... looks like he's getting another one on the top of his head today tho
  5. i think my golden ram has an ulcer on the side of his head (looks like a small pimple) it started off as a small red spot which he had when we got him. does anyone have any advice on how to treat this? have seen similar on the top of a blue ram (R.I.P) last year - this didn't erupt and become pusy like some reports of ulcers i have heard.
  6. will try to post one tomorrow... I actually had a blue ram which developed a similar lump on the top of the head... notice i write about him in the past tense.
  7. Thanks caryl any ideas on a treatment?
  8. We just got two new golden rams, one of them had a small red spot on the side of its head, this has turned into a small white lump ( looks like a little pimple) is this white spot?
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