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marine importer

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    Reef Keeping

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  1. look, something has just happened to my QT so none of this is important to me righ now.
  2. what is there to explain? What Cees, Perky and I have discussed, is totally none of any body else's business (No offence to livebearer breeder) Tim
  3. i have sorted it out with cees. done and dusted
  4. Then you will be the only one in NZ to have them then Tim
  5. check the list I have just sent you. If you look closely, the list of killies that i sent you are on the list. Tim
  6. I send e-mail lists so they must of got them.
  7. have you talked to the more, lets say, "Higher ranked" people in these stores. Tim
  8. Yes, my shipment will be in AKL stores on Thursday and yes my name is Tim McLough.
  9. we don't get stopped, we just can't be viewed. for instance, if you are a normal citizen, you would be on the voting register and anybody can see your name and possibly your details. for my, becuase of my bros job, we are on another voting register which is inaccessible to any one but the person or the police. Tim
  10. Shae, What fish do you want? I can get you anything off the MAF list. Just ordered several four-eyes and a few others. Tim
  11. when he gets a job I will charge him board. Tim
  12. Hey guys, Just talked with my associates and I have decided that we are going to import freshies and brackish fish and we are applying for a liscense to import rare and exotic fish Tim McLough
  13. true true. whenever i need to borrow money off him he charges me interest. they grow up so fast
  14. Unfortunately I don't have a website. I have been trying to get a technician from my eldest son's school to help me. (I'm not too flash with computers :lol: ) Tim
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