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Everything posted by boatmaster

  1. thats one of the many problums that worms can apparntly cause. its weard some websites say to feed as many worms etc as posible and others say feed none. then there are the sites that support vaired diet includeing worms in modertaion(sounds the most plausable and logical)is for other fish anyway.
  2. Im just starting a malawi tank and am finding alot of websites stateing not to feed worms of any type ( incudeing blood worms) to them as they will cause major digestive problums that will lead to death. have any of you had any experince with this problum? i under stand that if one feeds only worms or to many worms it may cause problums but no worms at all? thanks ben
  3. i had one crack its shell and used some of mums clear nail polish before with great sucsess ps dont tell my mum pless
  4. boatmaster


    thanks for your help ive stoped feeding microworms and they appear to be dieing off so far my fish seem fine the hydra have been prolific for at least 2 weeks and ive got lots of guppy and platy fry in there some only days old and they dont seem to be geting affected to any noticeable level my b/ns seem to like eating them so hopefully with some luck they will remove them selfs before i have to turn to chemicl warfare thanks for your advise ben
  5. boatmaster


    it would appear that i have hydra in my tank i have identfied it from pics off the internet do i need to worrie about them can i get rid of them easly? boatmaster ben
  6. kewl thanks for your help i think i mite not get tiger barbs for a while them try with them thanks agane boat master
  7. im looking at geting around 6-8 tiger barbs for my community tank i have been told that if kept with a few of there own type they are fine and by others not to go near them thanks boat master :-?
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