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Everything posted by Shakaya

  1. Shakaya


    Thank you so much for your help. The CO2 unit I am using are 2 of the DIY Hagen Nutrafin Plant System. I will forget about the air stone and contiue doing what I am doing. Thanks for the link to that website it was very interesting. Cheers again
  2. Shakaya


    I have recently added a CO2 canister to my aqua one AR850 160 litre tank, as my fish were destroying their plants so I hoped this would help the plants grow faster. But my question is: Does increasing the carbon dioxide decrease the amount of oxygen available in the water? Should I also add an air stone? would this increase the oxygen level? Please help me as I am new to this and are still learning, and are not sure I am doing everything right. I have six plants which are still quite small so probaby not using a lot of CO2. My pH dropped intially when I stared to use the CO2 unit but has now stabilzed at 6.8. The Iron test is 0.5, General Hardness is 40, and the Carbon dixoide is 10. Please do not confuse me to much. Thank you for your time and help.
  3. Mum and I are just new to tropical fish. Mum has 2 Honey Gouramis and 2 Colbolt Darwf Gouramis. One of the Colbolt Gouramis hides all day and doesn't even come out at feeding time. We thought it might have been getting picked on by the two honey gouramis who are always fighting with each other. So we decided to shift the two colbots to my place. But as soon as we put the two colbolts in my two Pearl gouramis started chasing and bitting them so we decided they were better off in the original tank. Does anyone have any more sugguestions. Should we try putting the Honey and the Pearl Gouramis togther to give the Colbolts a break? We are scared the one of the colbolts is just getting sicker and sicker. Its fins are closed up to its body and it tail just drags down behind it.
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