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Posts posted by Loopy

  1. Hi guys. I am hoping i may be able to pop in quickly tomorrow?

    Something for you all to think about and discuss is all the fish books and info etc i have had sitting in my bookshelves. I have always thought of the books as being Totally Tanked property (except a couple of my favourite books) I am having a huge clean out (again :roll: ) And would like to put it to TT and FNZAS about adding the books etc to the FNZAS library and thus rehoming them?

    I would post a photo but...

    1. My phone will not co-operate

    2. my camera battery is flat...AND i just blew up the charger for it

    3. my usb web cam cable is not long enough to reach the next room where all the books are.

    4. I haven't yet thought of any other way of getting a photo onto my computer.

    Altho as a teaser...there is a lot of books. Takashi amano, axelrod, new and old, specific books about angelfish, bettas and axolotls.

    Printed info about angelfish, axolotl, and betta genetics.

    One book is a NZ published book about fish keeping. others are old books which are useful for historical, and nostalgic sake. some books are highly specific fish health textbooks, and a few are general fishkeeping books. Also a large pile of Practical fishkeeping magazines. All valuable info which i want to keep in the fishkeepers circle but also allow all members to be able to access.

  2. Yep started lurking in the background here again. Bit quiet on the fishy side of life (well Juju's not, she sends a splash in your direction) I still have my Red Sea Max too. Lil sad lookin except for the green zoos which have taken over like a bad rash.

    Brain is the new addition to the lil Loopy household. Brain is a cockateil. I can't seem to live without birdbrained companionship.

    So yeah just thought i would pop in briefly and say "hi"...........shall retreat back to the shadows now........

  3. i think Phoenix is on the same planet i am except he is brave enough (or silly) to say the random bizarre stuff that pops into his head :o

    My fish trys to eat me everytime i walk past the tank.

    My clown fish got a face full of bristleworm the other day. :roll:

  4. I take it the child in question is too young to be forced to do the dirty work, so you will have to hold it over her as a guilt trip for when she is older

    Yes she is too young to do the dirty work. :roll: She is not too young to deny all involvement in the incident tho. I doubt it was the cat that did it.

    She is also too young to have learnt how to lie convincingly. :lol:

    Did you find Muppet?
    Nope still gone without a trace. :cry:
  5. Yeah the fine print was there from scratch. I just had a strong feeling i was going to get the big speel about preventative measures etc which doesn't prove to be very useful when the deed has already been done. :-?

    So 40L water change has been done, all the rock etc back in the tank and looks murky and horrible. I am going to be patient and let the filter do its thing for a while. I am fustrated because i was really pleased with the way the rock was arranged and i can never remember how to put it back the same. :oops:

  6. I would suggest putting the food on the top shelf so the little one can not reach them :wink:

    Hindsight should be illegal.

    i think this has happened 3 times now. Food has always been outta reach (theoretically) If kids wanna feed fish kids are gonna feed the fish. doesn't matter where you put the dang food. It is one of those Winnie-the-Pooh occurs moments.

    I am just *REALLY* annoyed that it happened to that particular tank. Can't really afford to throw around expensive saltwater and foods like that.

    Has anyone got any suggestions regarding this problem? I have siphoned out 20L and got all the rock and coral out so i could net all the scummy food. I had to net it all out because it was too heavy to go up the siphon :o

  7. Did some overdue maintenance on our RSM on saturday, siphon, waterchange, rescued a tiny frag of a zoo that got lost behind the rock, rearranged the furniture, scraped all the walls, rinsed the filter sponge etc. Tank looked fantastic, corals glowing, fish happy. :D :bounce:

    This morning i get up to find that lil *princess* (said dripping with sarcasm) has gone and chucked copious amounts of algae wafers and shrimp pellets into the tank. :evil:

    I guess i know what i am going to be doing for the rest of the day.

    (ps REALLY not in the mood to be bombarded with suggestions on how this could have been prevented. Hubby does a great job of this and whats done is done. Just a warning.)

  8. lol A case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

    I have a mean headache :-? The last 4 days have caught up with me! Gaara huffs at me heaps if i try to get him out. maybe he has a headache too? he is curled up sleeping now.

    Couldn't have done it without heaps of generous help; Mainly all our wonderful club members!!! :hail: A huge amount of time has been given up by members to setup, design, scout for support, plan, and man the site. :hail:Redwood Aquatics get a huge :hail: for their donations, and the Critter Kingdom/Sean team for their generous support. And living displays for the magical appearance and disappearance of goldfish displays :hail:

  9. I hope you made up business cards or leaflets to hand out to punters interested in joining.

    Yes we have very beautifully designed leaflets to hand out and i already had an email from snakekid when i got home!

    We have the only site representing fish at the show and an excellent variety of species to display. Not just fish but axolotl, newts, an albino frog, Gaara the blue tongue lizard, and the fish (betta, angels, jewel cichlids, guppies, platys, tetras, corys, gouramis, killies)

    Gaara has been incredibly popular. Poor fella deserves a DB :lol:

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