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llama boy

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    planes, cars, fish, magic cards

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  1. Thanks for all the info. Just to clarify the eels are going to be a part of our display. The two weeks would be the absolute longest we'd have them out for. Also my dads got a large black plastic tub, would this be ok for keeping them in untill the display. Cheers scotty
  2. Hi all im doing a science project to find out how to catch eels in a stream/creek, using a peice of pipe. We were hoping to have a live eel or two in our display. We can catch them easily, but were wondering on how to keep the in captivity for around two weeks. Anything apreciated Cheers scotty
  3. i've got bout 6-7 baby swords, would they be OK?
  4. Hi all im getting a new tank, not to sure what yet but just something small for a breeding/hospital tank. and wondering waht would be a good fish to cycle with? and what do i do with them when the tanks cycled, cos i dont hav any more room in my community tank for anything else? thanks scotty
  5. Hi all I've got a jebo R338 with 1x Saimese fighter 2x Adult swordtails (1 male, 1 female) 6x Neon Tetras 2x Pepered catfish 9x baby swords in a breeding trap would there be enough room in my tank for some zebre danios? thanks scotty
  6. Hi all My baby swords hav out grown the breeding trap and i was wondering if they would be OK in the main tan, i've got lots of plant cover, but would they be quick enough to escape the parents and a siamese fighter? Thanks scotty
  7. hey blitz. if you want some swordtails ive got more babies then i need at the moment. if ur interested just pm me cheers scotty
  8. i thought about the melting factor when i was considering a marina as my fist tank choice, but then got a jebo r338 instead. thanks all scotty
  9. Hi all would one of the large marina tanks with a bowed front be ok as a hospital/breeding tank. i need to no cos i currently only have one tank :oops: . also what sized heater would i need. the small tank is 6litres and i don't no how big the bigger one is, i think about 9 litres. thanks scotty
  10. Nice fishy Conaquavict. nice tank by the looks of the picture too :lol:
  11. Hi all Just wondeering what to feed my betta, he dosent seem to be losing weight, tho he did drop a bit when i first got him. i dont see him feeding, but he looks fine thanks scotty
  12. hi all Thanks for all your help, funnily enough i managed to find out when i was cleaning out the filter.
  13. hi all My female swordtale has given birth about 5 days ago now and she keeps hiding in the ornaments. when she comes out the gets followed by the male. is this anything to worry about or is this normal thanks scotty
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