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Travis & Vicki

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Posts posted by Travis & Vicki

  1. 8) i was super excited at my first lot of baby cons, but the novelty soon wore off, tried them as feeder fish but too many escaped and i had a community of escaped cons at the bottom of the tank, when i set my new tank up at my flat i will be giving the cons a wide bearth i think, more oscars will be the residents i think, or some strange fishie here in auzzie i couldnt get back home 8)

  2. i went to move the cory eggs today to a safer spot ( another tank ) as i collected them i placed them in a white dish so as not to break or crush them, i looked again and i had fry

    they must have suvived in the tank a few days before i noticed them and sectioned them off

    hopefully they will do ok in their new home

    what do i feed them

    they have weak under gravel filters, the same as the baby guppys, will that kill them, they are so tiny

  3. i have just sectioned off another piece of the community tank, there appears to be a bit over 50 cory eggs stuck to the glass in the corner of the tank, on the glass devider, how long will it take for them to hatch as the water flow where they are will make them a meal for some thing else and they will need removing before then.

    or, will they suvive a trip to wellington in a plastic bag, to see mummy mystic

  4. was upsetting having to give him up, but had no tank to spare for just 1 fish, mystic has given him an awesome home and after seeing the tank that he has im concidering evolving into a fish and sending myself to stay with mystic! :D

  5. i had an awesome little puffer fish in the community tank, he was the cutest evil little murderer, in a period of about 3 days he silced open the bellys of about 12 of his tank mates, he now has a new home with mystic, in his own planted tank. i wouldnt recomend them with other fish, but an awesome fish by themselves

  6. couple of points

    1. the containers i have been carting from the wharf the last 3 days have all weighed between 24 and 29 ton

    2. the paper worm in the hauraki gulf that has decimated large areas of shellfish and spawning grounds came from the bilge water of a ship from asia, the industry has had a shake up since those bad old days, but it dosnt fix the problems already caused. the luxary yachts can carry nasty hitch hikers also! and they are not the best with the sea "road rules" either

    3. we all like to have unusual pieces in our tanks, but spare a thought to what we are leaving our children if they escape, look at the cane toad in queensland for a brilliant example, or even the gorse in the wellington hills

    :):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):( there are many arguements for and against

  7. as i found out the hard way, make sure you have enough filtration for the large volume of water, as once a tank that size is set up making changes is a very big job, i agree with hummingbird oscars are are great fish in a big tank, really full of personality like a dog

  8. we have the inlet and outlet staggered in the tank, to try and get good water flow through the tank to avoid dead spots, the problem just wont seem to go with the filtration we have , not enough water per hour being moved.

    have a man coming to look at possible solutions on friday, if anyone wants to check out the tank, please come before 8am, its nice and clear then and its not as embaressing :lol:

    we are looking at a 1/4hp pump and filter set up, it will filter 130ltrs a minute

  9. WOW, hummingbird, that really is a nice oscar you have there, my babys look at bit sad next to you guys ones, wonder what im doing wrong




    they seem happy, playful, and fat, but they look nothing like the ones you guys have

  10. warren, i didnt say you suggested the spa pool pump and filter, i dont really know what a trickle filter even looks like.

    we are limited with space for a sump type set up

    doing water change today, vaccuming gravel and removing what i hope is the problem, a log that is decaying.

    will let you all know how i get on

  11. going on figures i have been given it sounds like i need to filter and move 6000 ltrs an hour

    i dont have shares in the power company and i didnt win lotto tonight

    someone has suggested a spa pool filter and pump

    what are the down falls with that idea

  12. ty plecs,

    yes they are cichlids, a few smaller ones,like the keyholes,geos,texans,cons,the middle group, the jack dempseys,jewels,green severums, and the big boys the oscars, the fire heads, and the plecs and a few throw ins the 2 catfish and the red tailed shark

    the water isnt cloudy, and it isnt discoloured just a lot of small particules

    wondering about a better filteration system

  13. Ahh, then most likley the problem is tannins, give it a while and keep the filter wool in your filters clean and eventually it will disappear.


    if theat was the problem shae the water would be discoloured, not full of floaties, although it may be contributing to the unstable ph levels, your first suggestion had a lot of merrit though

    the reasoning for the water entering at different levels in the tank is to ensure there are no dead spots in the tank and the water is well circulated

  14. the water becomes dirty once the fish are awake and active, i feed a variety or foods,

    cichlid sticks

    fresh garden worms

    frozen blood worms

    freeze dried tubafix worms

    praying mantis


    spirilina discs

    goldfish food

    plant trimmings from the other tank

    ox heart

    the staple diet is the cichlid sticks and the live buggs, the water becomes dirty before feeding time at the zoo

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