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  • Location
    Hawkes Bay
  • About You
    Lord of the Rings, Marshmallows, and that Giant Gourami at the Aquarium that kisses the glass whenever I walk past it.

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  1. The first time I saw a picture of a minnow I immediately thought it looked like a pug. I've seen them later and they're really quite cute. It must've been a bad photo.
  2. Hey guys! How's it going? I have a 24 inch by 15 inch by 12 inch tank I've scouted some pet stores and have narrowed down what I might want to stick in my tank to: Guppies Minnows - even if they do look like pugs Tetras of some sort Catfish - probably a plecostomus Possibly those pale fish with no eyes. Dunno Which one/s of these would be best for someone new to this, like me? Is there a chance that any of the fish in my list would particularly dislike another type of fish in my list? Which ones would have to live in a heated tank? Would they all be able to live in a heated tank? Could I feed them all the same thing? LotR
  3. Okay, I've scouted some pet stores and have narrowed my selection down to: Guppies Minnows - even if they do look like pugs Tetras of some sort Catfish - probably a plecostomus Possibly those pale fish with no eyes. Dunno Which one/s of these would be best for someone new to this? Is there a chance that any of the fish in my list would particularly dislike another type of fish in my list? Would they all be able to live in a heated tank? Could I feed them all the same thing? LotR
  4. Hey. Me again. Okay. This time my questions are about the fish themselves. My tank is able to house around 12 inches of fish. Does anyone know the temperature of normal, cold tap water? And what kind of fish I could house in that temperature? The only coldwater fish I could find in fish books, other than golfish, were those Cloud Mountain Minnow things, and they seem to be the pugs of the aquatic world. I like neon tetras and I'd like some kind of catfish in my tank. Can I have tetras and catfish without having a heater? What other fish can I have in normal tap water? are there any coldwater fish that get on especially well with goldfish? All information greatly appreciated. Cheers LotR
  5. Hey guys! Thanks for all the info and ideas! I'll get around to buying a filter soon. You're all really cool (for faceless internet people, anyway). Cheers! LotR
  6. Well... I have a thingy that blows bubbles. Not sure what it's purpose is, but I do have one. and a have a thing with a big tube and a little tube. I think it's sposed to remove crap from the tank. Not sure how though. I have a cute little magnetic thing that's scraped along the sides to clean stuff off the inside of the tank.I have 3 plastic plants, 2 bottles of Stress Coat and a bottle of Accu-Clear. I don't have a light or heater. I'm flat broke so I wouldn't be able to buy anything i don't already have. I like shiny and/or colourful fish. ugly fish are cool too. I'd like to own fish that are fairly easy to care for, seeing as i'm rather new at this. The 'inch of fish per gallon of water' thing says I could have something like 16 inches of fish. Is that too much for a tank this size? Cheers LotR
  7. ... And does anyone know where in Hawkes Bay I could get the fish and plants? The place I went to the other day didn't have a very large selection and I'd like to look at different kinds and stuff before I get one. Cheers. LotR
  8. Hey people. How ya doin? OK, here's the thing. I scored me a tank the other day. It's 2ft x 15in x 1ft or somewhere there abouts. I haven't any clue about what I could put in it or how many or how large or anything. I did see a cute little goldfish with one eye in a pet shop which i wouldn't mind having. What else could I put in with it? and how many? And what planty stuff could I stick in there? Do I need a particular kind of plant if I'm gunna have different kinds of fish? Do I need any plant at all? All advice greatly appreciated. Cheers. <- Isn't that just the cutest little smiley thing? Aww!
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