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Posts posted by Lanshark424

  1. I was just watching my rams have one of their little stand offs and when one tried to retreat the other one gave chase which forced the other one to go full speed into the tank glass.... he/she looked stunned for a little bit and now doesn’t seem to be acting the way it was before (not in a floating around but more in a more out in the open not hiding where it use to sort of way) I was just wondering if there is anything I should/could do to help it or if I have to just leave it and what ever happens happens. Cheers

  2. Just wondering if someone could tell me if I have a male and female ram, the smaller of the two has more defined black and blue while the bigger one has a brown/bronze colour on the top of its head, the smaller of the two seems to bully the bigger one and hangs around the food at feeding time and chases the other off or they both colour up and “headbut” as I call it until the bigger one goes all submissive and swims off, any help with this is appreciated and I will try get some better pictures of them



  3. Cheers 😊 I went for a walk on the sand spit but didn’t manage to find any bits of driftwood I like so I will still look around for those, I might plant some dwarf sag on the little cave thing I have in there to hide it a bit or I was even thinking of putting java moss on it, I started feeding my rams blood worms and they have got a bit more colour too then but they still hide away in that back right hand corner of the tank so I need to get some more places for them to hide and they will hopefully come out a bit more, fingers crossed

  4. A quick update with what I have done so far, I bought a few plants that I liked the look of, have no idea if they will be good with the tank but I don’t mind a bit of trial and error, the rams seem to be coming out a bit more as well, I read another forum post about carbon in the filter (my filters main media was carbon as that’s how it came) but after reading it I have 2 different thicknesses of sponge, filter wool, ceramic noodles and ceramiscrub, going from noodles then into the different sponges, biggest to smallest, then through the filter wool, then the ceramiscrub and back into the tank. Over all I think it is working a lot better, but I was also wondering if I should put plant fertiliser into the tank for the plants or if the fish waste should be enough??


  5. I was thinking that would be a good idea, might have to go for a walk for some driftwood this weekend, are there any particular plants you recommend?? I was hoping for something short that doesn’t grow too tall but it’s not that hard to maintain plants growing too tall

  6. Hey there everyone, I have a 65L tank with 2 German rams, 5 glowlight tetras, 5 Pygmy Cory’s and a bristlenose, I was wanting some suggestions on how I could add some more hiding places for my rams so that they feel a bit more comfortable in their home, I have a few ideas but want to see what other ideas people have put there, I am planning on sticking some plants to the cave they have now and a few more in the ground possibly, the tank looks a bit yellow but don’t worry it is clean haha. This is my first post so sorry if it is in the wrong place 😂


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