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Posts posted by Snowman

  1. Its eating blood worms mainly, the brown ghost i got from you was struggling for food in the 7' tank in the house so moved it to the big tank in the shed to feed it up but it will only eat blood worms where as the banded knife is keen on prawns. The fire eels race the brown ghost for the blood worms, once its getting nice and fat im planning on starving them to change them over to prawns etc, my black ghost inside loves dry food but the others just ignore it. If your keen on the eel you can have it for $40, i paid $70-$75 from hff approx 9 mths ago.

  2. Have you started with the basics? increasing your water changes to see if that makes a difference... increase oxygenation/surface movement, anything new to the tank fish, ornaments etc? The water changes and extra oxy may not cure them but it may help them survive longer until you sort out the cause.

  3. The GBA will eat practically anything, ph wise they seem to be pretty happy in just about any water, ive never adjusted my ph and they breed happily in water straight from the hose. You can run as many filters as you like the more the merrier but you want to match up water movement with the fish that you keep, guppies dont like it flowing to fast so the 2 filters will be fine.

    Its this filter ....http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/detail/view/eheim-pick-up-2008/m/1141/

    Whilst the fish are recovering i would do 10% change daily or every second day until the symptoms dissappear.

    A small amount of salt is good for guppies and is a good cheap remedy.

  4. The filter is a fairly basic one that just has a sponge but good enough to hold bacteria for biological filtration. A GBA is a Golden Blackeyed Ancistrus, a small pleco type bottom dwelling fish good for cleaning up uneaten food and helping keep the tank clean by eating some forms of algae.

    When you use your water conditioner do you add it for the amount of water your changing or the whole 64ltrs?

    If it is 2 drops per ltr and you do a 20ltr water change you will need to add 40 drops.

    Ill put the filter in to start cycling tommorow night.

    It will work out cheaper to buy your conditioner from Hollywood Fishfarm online.

    Animates is about the most expensive fish shop i have found.

  5. They should be on the same water as me as they aren't far from me, for the last 5 years all 6 of my tanks (including breeding tanks with fry) have only ever had hose water changes, syphon water out and stick the hose in to fill with no problems, the kuhli loaches get a bit fidgety if i do a 30+% water change but at 20% the fish behave normally, NZ is lucky in that we generally have some great water straight from the tap. Maybe in some areas with bad water or other water sources you may need an additive. It can also depend on how many tanks and how many litres, when i had 11 tanks running it would have proved rather pricey to treat when several were getting daily water changes.

  6. You shouldnt need ph up, ph down, ammo lock or even stress coat/stress zyme. All my tanks including breeding tanks get water changes straight from the hose, the trouble with the shops is it's their job to sell you things whether you need them or not. The water changes ( i'd be doing 15 ltrs twice weekly until sorted/cycled) will take care of ammonia, nitrite & nitrate levels without any help from chemicals, remember when the fish are in the wild there are no extra chemicals and they will survive and breed readily without them. I would also loose the carbon in the filter as that can also cause problems. Ive got an internal eheim filter here you can have if you like, i can set it up in one of my tanks to get some bacteria going in the sponge to help with the bio filtration in your tank. Do you have any bottom feeders to help keep the substrate clean? I'd have a spare GBA that would help with that if you'd like. Let me know about the filter/GBA if you want them.

  7. To me it sounds like the carbon could be the problem, it can only soak up so much then it will start releasing it back into the tank, twice weekly water changes should be sufficient so scrap the carbon. Persevere with it as it will get easier, only trouble you may find is you might end up wanting more and bigger tanks.

  8. Loaches can be sensitive to meds or excess salt, most species can also be quite aggressive although boisterous and feisty probably describe it better..

    The zodiacs i had didnt get on very well and were always scrapping over territory, they also used to pick the eyes out of the swordtails.


    The loaches book says "While it will tolerate others of it's own species provided each has it's own territoriy, this species can also be kept alone."

    They seem to be one of the loaches that don't like to school.

  9. Papakura should have the same water as us here in Weymouth, its been 4+ years since ive used any water ager, i figure if tap water is ok for me to drink then it should be fine for the fish. My way overstocked GBA tank gets a 33% water change every day and i just plonk the hose in there until its full again. The only fish i have seen react to straight tap water are kuhli loaches, none of the other loaches or fish seem to mind. We do have very good water compared to most other countries.

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