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Posts posted by MorknMindy

  1. The ph in my tank was 7.2 out of the filter but has risen to 7.5. Everything else is fine, no nitrite, no ammonia, gh is 5 degrees. We have one small bristlenose cat in the tank at the moment and everything has stayed the same for a week. So here’s the question do we try to lower the ph or do we just go ahead and add some more fish. Oh it is a very small tank so we can only add about 10 tetras size wise.

  2. We have decided to get back into tropical fish after 18 months and have a question. In my old tank I had some Black algae and was wondering if I use the gravel from the old tank in the new tank would it reappear. The gravel from the old tank has been stored out of water for 18 months.

  3. I had the same problem in two of my tanks.

    I can't remember what the algae was called but I was told to get a Siamese Algae Eater as it was the only fish that would eat this particular type of algae. It seems to have work quite well and although there is still a small amount in the large tank I just scoop that out when I gravel vac.


    The only other way to get rid of it is to remove everything from the tank and boil the gravel rocks wood etc throw away the plants and start all over again. If it is the same black algae that I had in my tanks there isn't a chemical that will kill it.

  4. We have decided to get some Angel fish to put in the octagonal tank so now I need more advice :)

    Here are the tank details:

    - Hexagonal Shape

    - Capacity 56L

    - Dim: 46.1x40x53.5cm/ 18.2x15.8x21.1inch(L X D X H)

    And here are the questions:

    - How many Angel fish should I get

    - What other fish should I put in the tank with the Angels

    - I read somewhere that Angels should be the last thing to go in a tank as they can be a bit aggressive to any new fish. Is that true or can I just add them all at the same time.

    - Do I get them from the LFS or try to find a breeder

    I really don’t know what I would do without this forum; probably have a lot of dead fish


  5. There doesn't seem to be any damage being done and they have stopped fighting but they are still chasing each other around the tank with their fins all fanned out. At first I thought it was the male (Bruce) and one of the females getting ready for a bit of loving but when I took a closer look and saw it was the girls I got a bit stressed :( maybe it is just that time of the month LOL

  6. I have two adult female, one adult male and 5 unsexed about 6 month old bristlenose cats in my community tank and this morning I noticed the 2 female fighting does anyone have any idea why they are doing this.

    The tank is rather full at the moment due to a problem in one of the smaller tanks but I don’t think it is over crowded. These girls have been living happily in this tank for about a year, both had breed a few times and they have always been very quiet and gentle fish. :-?

  7. Thanks Melanie

    On the up side it gave me the opportunity to give the tank a really good clean out and now I will get to decide what new fish I would like. Hubby is keen on getting some Angelfish but I’m not sure.

  8. Thanks I will have to keep my eyes open for some. Unfortunately with the way the male is looking at the moment I might not need to worry about keeping him happy. It seem every time my daughter chooses a fish it ends up dieing :cry: First it was kissing gourami and now the Betta maybe I should just pick the fish for her from now on.

  9. He is in the tank with just the little bristnose and is looking very depressed :cry: so I might see if I can get hubby to stop in at the LPS and pick up some Melafix on his way home.

    With him being a siamese fighting fish you can't put other males in the tank so can you buy females I have never seen any here in NZ not that I would recognise one as I have only ever seen them on overseas TV programs?

  10. I have just seen a tiny white worm in my 55 litre octagonal tank can someone tell me what it is? I think I read somewhere about a white worm turning up because of over feeding which is quite on the cards as the kids have been feeding the fish this week and they are probably over doing it but I can't remember if it was harmless to the fish or not.

    I also need some advice on what to put in that tank I had 1 Bristlenose catfish, 1 Siamese Fighting Fish and 5 emperor tetras but I think when the light went out the tetras were nipping at the Betta so I have removed them to the communal tank. Any ideas what I should put in with the Betta would be really appreciated.

    OK last question can I put salt in with the betta to help heal the nips he looks a bit sorry for himself at the moment and I am quite worried he wont make it if I don’t do something to help him

  11. Ok I'm not sure if this is even the right place to ask this question but I have just cleaned out my main tank and when I finished my arm was covered in what looks like bites and I had a bit of a rash on my lower arm its not itchy or anything but I was just wondering if anyone has any idea as to what may have caused it do my fish have fleas or what? :)

  12. I bought two kissing gourami's a couple of weeks ago, they were both very skinny and I ended up taking one back to the shop as it didn't eat. The second one seemed fine until today when I noticed one of its eyes seem to be cloudy. Has anyone got any idea what might have caused this?

    I have just added 6 harlequins and 9 tiger barbs to the tank so could it be caused by stress?

  13. I have little clumps of black algae growing in my community tank :(

    It is on the plants the glass the wood even on the filter. Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of it? I guess it is caused by over feeding which I am prone to do every time my fish have babies but this stuff is driving me mad. I took one of the tank ornaments out of the tank yesterday and scrubbed it within an inch of its life to try and remove these little clumps but as soon as I put it back in the water there they were swaying in the breeze :-?

  14. OMG they are worse than guppies is there anything you can drop in the water to maybe reduce their desire to breed quite so often. Unlike some of you we don’t have a fish room just one 4 ft community tank and a two foot tank that was meant to be a quarantine tank but turned out to be a guppy tank ;) Last count the numbers of cats had increased to 21 :)

  15. We have two females and one male in the tank and I am really not sure which of the females laid the eggs this time around so I wouldn't know which one to move out. I guess I could move them both into the guppy tank but due to over active guppies hormones I think they might be a bit crowded in fact all our fish seem to be acting rather strangely of late even the glow lights and neon’s seem to be in the mood. :)

    I guess I will just keep an eye on Bruce (yes the fish have names) to make sure he isn't harassing Molly or Lucy to much and if he does I will move him in with the guppies.

    personally like to buy them at around 4.5 cm but have to pay heaps more

    I didn't know they cost more when they were bigger.

    How much is a 4.5cm Bristlenose catfish worth?

  16. This is the second time my cat has had babies :) We did nothing to encourage them to breed and have just let nature take its course ;)

    The first time we got one baby and were very proud parents :) This time we have at least 17 and are very concerned parents.

    I think the LFS will probably take them but how old should they be before I take them in?

    Also what should I feed them?

  17. Thanks for the help. I checked all the rocks before I set up the tank but I will recheck.

    I guess I will also make another trip to the lfs and see if I can get a pillow or some peat they didn't have any pillows at animates the other day but I will try wetpets.

    Thanks again for the help

  18. I wasn't sure were to post this but I need some help. We did a water hardness test on the guppy tank yesterday and it has gone from 6deg to 25deg in a couple of weeks. We have added aqua plus but that has made no difference we have also checked the water from the water filter that we use when we do a water change and that is 6deg. We did a 50% water change last week. Any ideas what we should do??

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