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Posts posted by Benny

  1. I'm not familiar with that type of algae, but I had a serious problem with black 'tuft', I guess you could call it, algae. It's like little bushes of black algae that grow on everything in the tank, need a knife to cut off pretty much, my plec doesn't touch it, and it's pretty immune to common chemicals used for alge control. I went in and saw graham from the hutt pet centre, and he recommended changing the pH of the tank. He gave me a pond algae block that you just drop into the tank. Over the course of a couple of weeks the block cleared up the black algae, and has visually eliminated green algae. There has been a change in the ph of the tank, but not a huge change. It's pretty much gone from slightly acidic to neutral.

  2. I've been using the siphon/bucket method for a while. It's a pain in the ass, and I end up spilling a lot of the water on the floor when trying to carry the bucket. I've done a little research, does anyone have experience with using a product like the 'python' automatic water change thing?

  3. It's a shame it closed down. Firstly because it was way more accesible for me, as opposed to going out to animates (which I would prefer not to go to anyway), and secondly because I recieved a gift voucher teh weekend before it disappeared.

  4. Hi midas, hopefully I'll start posting again, I haven't had the net for a good part of a year. It's damn hard to sex at a small size, I looked for pointed dorsal and anal fins. I mean, I could be totally wrong and it turns out to be a female.

    Have you got any pics of your JD, midas? It's a beautiful fish.

  5. I got what I think is a smallish (about 4") male last weeked. I sort of read stuff about them beingreally aggressive without actually believing it. It's true though, even at a small size he seems to be fearless against the much larger fish. My siamese tiger is still definitely the boss of the tank though. Does anyone else have experience keeping the jack dempsey?

  6. I liked this shop, it had a good range of tropical, marine and even a few brackish. They had a darn nice 'six bar something' I can't actually remember the name :oops: Dennis maybe you can help- it is quite large, is a plant eater and has bars similar to a borneo tiger and is in the large tank next to the counter with the larger oscars.

  7. I was in Wet Pets today and finally they've given what all brackish water fish deserve- a brackish tank. I don't know if this is due to Midas mentioning the bad health if the green chromides a while back, but it was pleasing to see.

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