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  1. This idea had crossed my mind - how does the good bacteria form if the ammonia is getting stripped AND a new pad is being constantly replaced. Will go back to just water changes. Thank you Caryl for your detailed response. Such a chore sometimes when there are so many varying views as with anything but subtle differences can have profound changes. Based on what I know now and the general consensus of cycling the advice from HFF was terrible :E
  2. p.s this perhaps should be moved to Freshwater? Apologies if so, wasn't sure which sub forum to post in
  3. Hey team, Recently got my first aquarium which has kick started a habit? passion? hobbie? obsession? beyond my control haha. Currently sporting a 25L Fluvel Chi tank. I cycled it for a week, before adding 2x Norman Lampeyes as per HFF advice, and a week later popped in 3 guppies as per HFF advice - but bad idea. Ammonia spiked far too high (up too 1.0ppm) and I ended up buying Zeopads swapping every 4-5 days and doing 50% water changes every other day. I have returned the 3 guppies (on Saturday) as i've had the tank 4 weeks yesterday, and it still has not established itself. I was going to let the tank sit with water changes every other day with just the 2x lampeyes until its fully cycled as based on what ive learnt/read/understood it'll cycle quicker with less waste production. Now Saturday after I returned the guppies and came home, I noticed a tiny snail then looked further - found 4 tiny snails. Seems one of the plants purchased have brought friends. Based on what ive read these are a pest, and my best option based on the size of the tank is 1 or 2 dwarf chain loaches to eat them BUT I am worried about the slightly raised ammonia levels. Highest I let it get was 0.5ppm after getting a test kit with the 5 fishies.. currently sitting just under 0.25ppm but closest to that measure. Wait for tank to cycle and risk snails spreading? or put in a loach or two to eliminate snails risking the slightly raised ammonia levels even though its at the low end? Much appreciated
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