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Posts posted by Leah.C

  1. I posted a while ago about starting up a new tank, however my plans have been forced to change. I initially I wanted to get a 250L-300L tank but I got evicted (landlord wanted to move back in) and I am now living in a very small place (only 11.6 meters squared) I have figured out a way to fit a 150L Tank in but the filter I have is a fluval 406 canister filter that is rated for tanks up to 400L.  Is it ok to use this filter still?

    Also I really wanted to get some catfish (not the sucker kind) and thought maybe a Hoplo Catfish might work? are they ok alone or would I need two or more? Is my tank big enough.  I am so confused by what I've read on how big they get. Some websites say they get to 20cm and others say 12cm, and I think there might even be three or four different Catfish called Hoplo Catfish. If these catfish are a big fat no is there any other recommendations?

    The tank is 91cm long 38cm wide and 45cm high. I want to grow some plants and will have sand as the substrate. Possible other fish will be some sort of schooling fish like a tetra, a Bristlenose Catfish maybe some corydoras sterbai.   I haven't set the tank up yet its still a work in progress, just doing all my research first :D

    Thanks heaps

  2. Hey everyone, newbie here, latley I’ve been thinking about getting back into fish keeping. I had a community tank about three years ago but I sold it when I moved becasue I couldn’t figure out how to shift the fish, I regret doing that so much though. 

    I’m looking at just getting 250L-300L tank as thats about all I can manage by myself, getting the biggest SUNSUN Canister UV Filter available (from trolling this site they seem to have ok reveiws) What are peoples thoughts on this filter? can the uv light be left off or does it always run? Also while searching through You Tube vidios I came across this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szrUlHTW5Zo and just want to know your thoughts on how he sets up his filter (hope it’s ok to post links) 

    The fish that I currently know I want are some Chocolate talking catfish if they even still import them, I do hope so as I had some last time and I loved these little fatties. Also I want to get a Chocolate Zebra Pleco or two, and two different types of tetra though not sure which ones yet. No idea what else is out there at the moment, do you guys have anything you would reccomend? 

    Anyway thanks for reading, I will probably have a few more questions later once I get closer to actaully getting the tank, still in the planing stage right now, getting excited though :)

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