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Everything posted by thegreenboy

  1. Its been some time since I was on the fish room, can some please describe what whit spot looks like? One of my glows has two or three white lumps on its body, they kinda look like warts or something. Can anyone help.
  2. All tank parameters are normal. his fins seemed fine when we first bought him.... And yes he is looking a bit thin. I had a stray dwarf gourami that I had no were else for that croaked. but up until that all its fin displays functioning as per normal. He seems to feed normally, maybe slightly less than the others, but nothing that would concern me if his behaviour was normal. The male and female seem to be together alot when first bought, but now not so much. could it be internal parasites? I will keep on keeping on with the water changes and see what happens.
  3. Thanks for your reply. Anything i can do other than anti-stress agents(I have already used), He doesnt seem to be harrsed by any other fish. Should I try adding some more anti-stress agent(cant remember the name of the product).
  4. Hi everyone, just a question about mollies and platies, I have one male platie who doesnt seem to use any of his fins except his pectoral fins. His dorsal and tail both stay folded up. He seems to get around alright but sometimes find him resting on the bottom. All tank conditions seem normal, temp 26-7degrees.... Any suggestions.
  5. Thanks for your reply, I have platies and mollies in there, a pleco and a cory in one tank and gouramis, glows plecos and cories in the 2nd. there are the odd snail but i have been removing them(3). The holes dont tend to look like they have been eaten by an insect(snail) so much as the leaf itself gets thin and then disapears. dont know it that helps. any suggestions for my 32L tank, 2x colbalt blue gouramis, 1 sunset, 4x glow tetras, 1x zebra cory and 1x pleco. I feel like I need something else.
  6. Hi everyone, A question about plants, I have mostly sagatarius(spelling) in my tanks and it seems to develope these many small holes on the leaf. I would call it shot holes like in regular plants but smaller. My tank ph is around 7, And temp is between 26-27 degrees, I do 1/4 water change every ten days or so and the tanks have been running for about 4months. Can anyone shine some light on this for me.
  7. Hi everyone, How is you platies and mollies knowledge? I have a couple (literately ) of platies that seem to spend more time in a loving embrace in the corners of the tank, or the male tends to sit on the bottom in a hidding place. I know they are breeders, and its almost impossible for the female not to become pregnant but, as I'm new to this I just want to know how normal this is for them to do this. having said that I didnt initially like platies or mollies, but now I have a six, two platies (yellow heads and red tails) and four mollies(to black sailfins and two white with black spots) and I love them. They all hang out together swimin around, man they can eat!
  8. thegreenboy


    Hi everyone, I am new to fishroom and tropical fish altogether. I have a 32L tank with 1 Dwarf red gourami, 2 Cobaltblue gouramis 4 glows, a zebra cory and my trusty bristle nose pleco. My second tank, 55L(have caught the bug bad) has only been going for about 3 weeks I have 2 plecos, 1 peppered cory and 10 neons. Not sure what to add next but, maybe some sword tails. Any advice on that? Also just wondering how often to change/clean my filters? Also can anyone give me some advice on sexing my cobalts they seem to be constantly displaying to each other and chasing each other. Tryed moving one to another tank for awhile, but it just became the more dominant of the two "again", when put back. What a novel, anyway Hi to everyone and hope to chat again soon.
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