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Everything posted by keyboardwarrior2015

  1. Whats your offer? Il send it through email as i dont know how to post it here. Cheers
  2. Also have co2 art co2 regulator with bubble counter. let me know
  3. Dont hesitate to ask! Need to get rid of all my fish equipment ASAP. Send me PM's/Email/Txt Contact is above cheers
  4. Hi guys, contacts: 021 028 74185 [email protected] @ this stage taking offers!! Sadly giving up my fish keeping hobby. So i can buy a new car spent a bit on my gears. Some more stuff not listed in here but will come for the right price. 460L 6ft tank 3x300L 5ft tower tanks 40L tank 1000L steel cage water container 1200L/H aqua one Filtration (25w) 2000 L/H Filtration (55w) forgot the brand 3 x sponge filter 1 weipro heater 300w with external controller 3x sunsun 500w heaters 2x Jbl 100w heater 1 50w juwel heater 2400L/H air compressor 3x Bubbilo aerator couple air stones/tubings Rustic pebbles 45Liters Plants - Jave ferns/ baby tear/pennywort/lindernia/Blue hygro/beetroot Rubra/Ambulia/water rose/ludwigia/water sprite/dwarf sag/amazon sword/Red hygro/Red ludwig 2 submersble water pumps Bunch of chemicals full bottle of Praziquantel 150ml full bottle of seachem prime 500ml Api stress coat Seachem stability wunder - methyln blue wunder- whitespot cure Hydrogen peroxide VIP aquarium salt API Freshwater master kit GH&KH test kit used once Seachem exel/iron/flourish Fish: 4 x Blue turquoise 4-5months 3 x Blue diamond 2-3 months 2 x Red map 7months 7 x Red map 1-2months 1 x bristlenose 1 x Gold algae eater 1 x brown algae eater 1 x S A E 8 x Angel Fish
  5. Another failed mission. lol Last resort.. pay $290 for 5kg cylinder inlcd shipping from proline.. now another problem need a good co2 hose/check valve and diffuser. any recomendations on co2 hoses/check valve/diffuser.. with my setup i dont have wave maker to blow bubles everywhere. might go inline!
  6. Still on the hunt for a 5kg co2 cylinder??? Anyone know whos selling them
  7. Hi how much are they selling the set up? yea im on facebook.
  8. Guys what brands are your regulators? And where did you get them from link please.
  9. Im in wellington, hutt. Whats hff? And where. Would be able to take a pic of ur system?
  10. Anychance i can see your setups? I dont know where to get fire extinguishers from lol.. What brand of regulators are you guys using?
  11. I ddnt know you can use fire extinguisher. Did he just change the port valve? What regulator did you use?
  12. Been looking around for co2 cylinder i came across proline co2 cylinder. Is it any good is the co2 gas ok to use for plants? Anyone that has experience on co2 please share your infos with me. Thanks
  13. Il get some tui organic mix and mixed with my daltons aquatic soil and and layer of gravel on top. 28+ inches i think. What kind of light should i use? What i have now is 6ft light with 2 fluro bulbs dont know how strong they are and the other light are 6500k coolwhite 20w led floodlights which is not very bright at all. Its like a dim lights
  14. So lucky today ddnt buy the otto cats when i got there they wer in quarantine 1 of them got sick. So now i will look into getting bristlenose. For the plants leasson learnt. If they survive then il be wrapd if they dont then im changing to low moderate lighting plants and going full soil. but im still guna stick to my ferts and doses it might just come to life hahaha. What do you think on mixing aquatic soil and organic potting soil? Can u recomend a good light to use for moderate lighting
  15. The tank has been up for 3 weeks now. 2 to 3 capful is the dose for my tank. The gold and brown algae eater did a excelent job getting rid of the algae. SAE on the other hand i dont know what hes doing he keeps on running his face against the glass. They dont eat the algae on the plant thou. Getting me otto cat today and see if they will clean the leaves. Penny wort and babies tear and ambulia are doing well. The rest aint some of the leaves a becoming see through any infos on this.
  16. Yea its lindernia rotundifolia. I purchased of trademe I have pot planted most of them with 3 layers Base : Gravel Mid: Soil Top: Gravel And for the java ferns i have cable tie them to my driftwood. For the substrate just plain rustic gravel. Dont have balls to do full soil yet. I dose flourish excel evry 2-3days 2-3 capful. I dose flourish /trace/iron once evryweek. I get mainly brown algae but its heavy. Theres a few stringy mucus stuff aswel.
  17. Oh yeah and i seperated the low light plants. Amazon sword Java fern Lindernia runing a 6500k 20w led 2ft above the water
  18. Im under dosing thou. I tried using a hydrogen peroxide 3 percent it ddnt penetrate enough. Today i bought brown algae eater/gold algae eater/SAE IF THAT DONT WORK IL ADD SOME OTO CAT/ALGAEFIX THEN CO2 LIGHTS OFF FOR FEW DAYS.
  19. Algae everywhere i think i have way too much light. Changing routine starting tomorow. Its going to be 9am to 4pm and going to turn off 1 fluro bulb. Hope it will work
  20. Im running 2 kinds of light 2 fluro bulbs and 3 led 6500k I pot planted all except the java ferns. Im using a aquatic soil made with clay nd sand or something. Using seachem flourish flourish excel trace iron and root tabs. Which plant need high light?
  21. BLUE HYGRO RED HYGRO RED LUDWIGIA LUDWIGia ROTALA WALICHI AMBULIA WATER SPRITE JAVA fern 2 types SWORD PLANTS PENNY WORT Babies tears Lindernia Twisted val Dwarf sag Any info on them plants will be helpful
  22. Sweet i got some of trademe. Spent $67 7 type of plants and a seachem flourish excel. Getting some more soon hopefully. Any info on plant care spit it at me haha
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