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  1. Thanks for the reply. I purchased the tank as a unit with fish included. The old owner had them all since new so they dont know any better and all seem pretty happy was just worried about glasscatfish, cheers
  2. Hello all I recently added two glass catfish for my community tank. Since i added them 3 weeks ago they have hidden behind a piece of drift and havent moved, is this normal behaviour for them? i havent even seen them eat. I have a 160L tank with plenty of room, none of the other fish act in an aggressive way. I have a brisslenose pleco, 3 black widows, 3 neon tetra, 2 leopard danio, 1 glowlight danio, 1 anglefish, 1 platy, 1 red tailed black shark. Any comments will be appreciated, thanks
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